Più o meno 4 anni fa mi ritrovavo in una scassata renault4 con Michelangelo, il bassista di That Noise From The Cellar che a me e al caro Vono Box
ci dava uno strappo a casa dopo un concerto somewhere a roma. Ricordo
che non faceva che parlare del suo nuovo basso. E forse anche di una
tipa che gli piaceva all'epoca, ma principalmente era + ingrifato del
basso che di lei. Ah sí, ora ricordo! Era infogliato per la bassista
delle Erase Errata che avrebbero suonato da lí a poco a roma. E chi non lo era? Beh, se magari le avesse fatto sentire i pezzi dei Noise From The Cellar,
magari avrebbe avuto minimo una storia col di lei basso, perchè questo
disco è una bomba, - un'esplosione di rancido no-sense, pura
mostruosità noise-core senza perdere mai genuinità a volte sfociante
nel più rovinoso jazz-core, tutto lungo il taglio alla gola di una
maturità Musicale indecentemente ignorata dalla non-scena indie
capitolina/nazionale; e sono al 3 disco! Terzo no? A gg una
komaintervista x dissipare i dubbi. Dopo la prima traccia A new letter to ZZTop, per cui potreste credere che tutto il disco sia registrato con fare budget lo-fi, scoprirete invece tramite la seguente There's Another Thing You Can Do to Intensify Your Woman's Pleasure la magia folle di un suono più stereo, cantato a due voci, tra cui una squisitamente delirante in semifalsetto. Gene Hackman è forte di un synth che fa di quei 45sec un puro gioiello, un turbine noise, anzi, una nova che Ti investe e sbalza al muro, - insomma un cavallo di battaglia che nelle chart indie usa farebbe di That Noise From The Cellar uno sfogo ormonale minimo pari a quello che sono stati i Test Icicles ultimamente. Saltate poi alla schizzata Space Ace in a Cactus Race, assolutamente un singolo corrosivo e malato, e a Star System (Come with Us), bolgia di grida, orgasmico come-on, come in, e un sax lasciato free spettacolare. Da nota anche la digressione psichica di Dive. Infine, Handshake e Carmadillo dovrebbero da sole valere l'acquisto del cd. E io l'ho avuto gratis hahahaha. Ancora grazie.
It was 4 years ago, more or less, that Michelangelo, That Noise From The Cellar's bass player, gave a lift to me and mydear Vono Box to home driving His renault4 after a live show somewhere in rome. I remember He couldn't stop but talking of His new bass guitar. And maybe also about a girl He liked at that time. But, principally it looked like He was more interested about the bass than in the girl. Ok, wait, now i remember! He was in loved with Erase Errata's blond bass player (wouldn't You?), - they were going to play a gig downhere, yes. Ok, if Michelangelo had made listen one of TNFTC's to Her, probably he would have had some chance to have a flirt at least with Her guitar, because this album is a total bomb, an explosion of rancid no-sense, pure noise-core monstrosity, never unsincere, - often stepping into the wildest jazz-core, along the throat cut of a Music maturity shamelessly almost ignored from the rome/national indie no-scene; and They are at the third release! Isn't it? I'll dissipate any doubt about that with a komainterview during next days. The opening track, A new letter to ZZTop, might let You think the whole album is a lo-fi production, even if at its best, - but You'll have to change Your mind when it follows There's Another Thing You Can Do to Intensify Your Woman's Pleasure, the magic madness of more hi-fi sound, sung in two voices, whose one in a exquisite frantic half-falsetto. Gene Hackman is driven by a great synth work, that makes of its 45sec a clear jewel, a whirling of noise, - better, a nova, it falls right onto You, and You find Yourself face to the wall, - i mean, this is an hit that in a whatever indie u.s.a. chart would be able to do of That Noise From The Cellar at least what Test Icicles hormonally represented in recente times. Then: skip to the schizoid Space Ace in a Cactus Race, absolutely corrosive and ill, - and then to Star System (Come with Us), screams all over You, orgasmic, come-on, come in is the line, with a spectacular sax left free. Psychic digression Dive is worthy a note too. Last but not least, Handshake e Carmadillo should alone justify the buy. And i got the cd for free, it's cool, isn't it? Grazie.
ƒ¬ zipped mp3s (via homepage)
.7. star system (come with us)
.9. handshake
It was 4 years ago, more or less, that Michelangelo, That Noise From The Cellar's bass player, gave a lift to me and mydear Vono Box to home driving His renault4 after a live show somewhere in rome. I remember He couldn't stop but talking of His new bass guitar. And maybe also about a girl He liked at that time. But, principally it looked like He was more interested about the bass than in the girl. Ok, wait, now i remember! He was in loved with Erase Errata's blond bass player (wouldn't You?), - they were going to play a gig downhere, yes. Ok, if Michelangelo had made listen one of TNFTC's to Her, probably he would have had some chance to have a flirt at least with Her guitar, because this album is a total bomb, an explosion of rancid no-sense, pure noise-core monstrosity, never unsincere, - often stepping into the wildest jazz-core, along the throat cut of a Music maturity shamelessly almost ignored from the rome/national indie no-scene; and They are at the third release! Isn't it? I'll dissipate any doubt about that with a komainterview during next days. The opening track, A new letter to ZZTop, might let You think the whole album is a lo-fi production, even if at its best, - but You'll have to change Your mind when it follows There's Another Thing You Can Do to Intensify Your Woman's Pleasure, the magic madness of more hi-fi sound, sung in two voices, whose one in a exquisite frantic half-falsetto. Gene Hackman is driven by a great synth work, that makes of its 45sec a clear jewel, a whirling of noise, - better, a nova, it falls right onto You, and You find Yourself face to the wall, - i mean, this is an hit that in a whatever indie u.s.a. chart would be able to do of That Noise From The Cellar at least what Test Icicles hormonally represented in recente times. Then: skip to the schizoid Space Ace in a Cactus Race, absolutely corrosive and ill, - and then to Star System (Come with Us), screams all over You, orgasmic, come-on, come in is the line, with a spectacular sax left free. Psychic digression Dive is worthy a note too. Last but not least, Handshake e Carmadillo should alone justify the buy. And i got the cd for free, it's cool, isn't it? Grazie.
ƒ¬ zipped mp3s (via homepage)
.7. star system (come with us)
.9. handshake
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