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Emily Haines

& the Soft Skeleton

 | pall youhideme
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Yesterday i read that Emily Haines, from Metric, is going to publish a new solo album Knives Don't Have Your Back (Last Gang rec, after previous hard-to-find Cut In Half And Double, 1996), supported by The Soft Skeleton, - hopefully that doesn't mean an end for the Metric.. I Love Emily, notwistanding the strange faces She makes when She sings, so i can't wait for september to come, that is, when the release is due.. in the meanwhile, we can enjoy a couple of mp3s, internet mp3-blog power!

ƒ¬mp3s (via this and this):
.the lottery
..our hell (sorry, it's very lo-fi)
bonus track: Anthems for a Seventeen Year-old Girl (with Broken Social Scene)
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