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Microwave with Marge

Microwave with Marge

s/t ep (3tx Ep, 12'15'' - Hysm rec 'o8)

 | pall youhideme
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Art punk, new wave, - diy, - three piece Microwave with Marge are frenzied and spastic, - they can make You dance like tarantulated mannequins. - From southern italy, related with Ada-Nuki [read past komareview], - think of Erase Errata as well of Ex Models, and roots to be found in James Chance & the Contortions: - less syncopatic, less disturbed-noise addiction, happier (as They state) and fast like splinters, a valid adrenalyne dose, - btw with the same weird furious zig-zag skeleton for sure (Mary Was Ermaphrodite).
29-Oct-2008 1:03 PM - Microwave with Marge - s/t ep (3tx Ep, 12'15'' - Hysm rec 'o8) - Art punk, new wave, - diy, - il trio Microwave with Marge sono frenetici e spastici, - possono farVi ballare come manichini tarantolati. Dal sud italia, un Ada-Nuki [leggi passata komarecensio], - pensate alle Erase Errata come anche agli Ex Models, con radici da trovare in James Chance & the Contortions: - meno sincopati, meno assuefatti a noise disturbato, più felici (come scrivono) e veloci come schegge, - insomma, una valida dose di adrenalina, - e sempre con la stessa eclettica furia da scheletro zigzagato (Mary Was Ermaphrodite).

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