TWS are the 3 Cornered Season with a brand new name. "The 3 what?" will say who didn't read komakino's # zero, because otherwise can remember – maybe - a review about Them.
Even because right there in Long Island, U.s.a., it seems still a few
people know something about Them. Let's say first of all that
KomaKino'zine doesn't give exposure to whomever only because foreign
& her/his/their music sounds indie-like. Simply sometimes also a
unique song can do a band worthy of being mentioned – at least on this
fanzine. This case is similar, - the songs are three. The T.W.S. have
got sonorities flowing & dragging into the oneiric, gtrs
prevalently cleaned with not-distorted Sonic Youth-like explosions plunged into most lysergic and astral things of Motorpsycho, with some new-wave remembrances held by reverberant
voices smothered by echoes and minimalist percussions. They're going to
have a few hundred 12" records put out in September of the 3 songs from
the former demo, and this time each song will have an own name, not
only the length. I have talked with Keith, their drummer.
K: James, Rick, and I have been performing in various bands since high school, about 7 years (average age 22 yrs – k's note)..
there is not much of a scene for us here so we sometimes find ourselves
at a loss to gather local followings. With this in mind it is a
difficult task to build a fanbase in Manhattan.. Ideally, we are
looking for other bands in the area that have a similar sound that we
could book shows with. Sometimes it is very discouraging. It seems like
it takes many years for bands like ours to gain acceptance in a largely
commercialized music industry. For the last two years we've been
sending out free demos to those interested and have received great
positive responses. P: You told me the sound of theta wave
state has been refined in the last 2 years, - the differences were only
under a technical point of view, or what else? K: As with most
bands, the overall sound tends to slowly change over time and the more
you play with the same guys the more you know what everyone wants to do
without even speaking. We did have a vocalist two years ago but things
didn't work out, so James and Rick gradually took over this task.
Eventually their guitar writing would also be considerate of how they
would sing in a particular song. This becomes more of a challenge, so
vocal leads in newer material will are traded off due to technicalities
of different songs. For the last two years we haven't made many drastic
turns in our musical style. P: Why Theta Wave State and not more 3 cornered season? K:
This was part of this same two years period. Although we only changed
the name recently, the band did not feel comfortable keeping the name
when we wanted to feel like a fresh new band. The former name has been
commonly mispronounced and misspelled as well.
The local North of January rec. is helping You, as You wrote, but
didn't U ever try to get in touch with other labels, and if yes, what
has it been their reaction? K: we sent out a bunch of tapes to
u.s. indie labels but most of them are constantly swamped by piles of
demo tapes. We didn't really expect much of a response and we didn't
get any. Jason at North of January heard our songs on the website and
immediately requested a cd recording of the songs. They're into the
music and want to do what they can. This will be our first substantial
release so we're all excited. P: I guess You have other songs
besides that ones U have put on Your website.. or do You play only any
cover songs during Your concerts? K: the three songs from the website were recorded last august at our friend James Nixon's
basement studio. He helped us out, so we saved some money on that. We
have enough material to record a full length but we'll see how this
record goes and then start putting money aside for the future. P: How do You feel when You're playing a song? K: hypnotized. P: Can You see Yr-self & co. if all of U don't play in Theta Wave State? K:
I'm not sure how the rest of the band would answer, but I'd be writing
some electronic stuff more seriously. I dabble a bit myself, but
without real live musicians to interact with it's just not the same
thing. P: Can You see in the future Theta Wave State? Is there a future? K:
As long as we're here there's nothing else we'd rather be doing. We'd
like to do a tour soon, but other factors in our lives will keep that
on hold for a little while. So far responses over the internet has been
quite positive. As long as we perform enough we should be alright.
interview featured on komakino #1, december 1999
Info: https://www.geocities.com/SoHo/8908 - www.thetawavestate.com - www.mp3.com/thetawavestate
-- photo:Noah Kalina

I just found today there's available on youtube the beautiful 2600's documentary Freedom Downtime: Theta Wave State took care of the OST. Enjoy:
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