- I fell in loved again, this time with Glorybox, a wonderful usa/north europe Band (thanks a lot for the cd's to Ola, from Moonbabies ^_^), - a Band able to surprise me twice: the first time, listening to Pale Blue Light ep (2oo1 Sally Forth rec), - a delicate and sweet wave of melancholic emotions, warm, 6o's folk moods, quiet perfect sounds, especially for the unbelieveble Sarah Hepburn's dazzling and breathy vocals - the ladder, listening to Vacuum cd (2ooo) - a totally different impact, an explosion of distorted noisy guitars, triphop-acts, powerful leanings of drums. Vacuum is very nice but less catchy (but probably more radio-friendly) respect the above mentioned release - Pale Blue Light is a chief d'oeuvre. Be smart, have a listen.
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