Due ottime suite di trance post-shoegaze, ambient isolazionista à la Godspeed You! Black Empereor,
dilatazioni sonore spettrali nel delay stereo, luci ipnagogiche
armoniose e tantriche. Colonna sonora perfetta per un bagno tra le
megattere, stranezze glaciali e una solitudine tirata al Suo massimo.
Ottimo insomma, anche nella produzione, che presenta suoni puliti e
melodiosa altalena di quieto/inquieto. [vedi sotto x mp3]
Two excellent suites of post-shoegaze trance Music, isolationism ambient à la Godspeed You! Black Empereor, spectral sound dilations through stereo delay, hypnagogic lights, harmonious and tantric. Ideal soundtrack for a bath with humpback whales, glacial oddity, and an everlasting loneliness at its top. I mean, this is fairly good, - even about the whole production, featuring clean sounds and a melodious swinging of quiet/unnerve.
.1 aw999kb
.2 laureth30
Two excellent suites of post-shoegaze trance Music, isolationism ambient à la Godspeed You! Black Empereor, spectral sound dilations through stereo delay, hypnagogic lights, harmonious and tantric. Ideal soundtrack for a bath with humpback whales, glacial oddity, and an everlasting loneliness at its top. I mean, this is fairly good, - even about the whole production, featuring clean sounds and a melodious swinging of quiet/unnerve.
.1 aw999kb
.2 laureth30
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