k: "I also listen to my work while I drift
off to sleep... (it's good for that.)" [Phyll wrote] i'm
pretty agree with that, if i could introduce Yr Music as a dream, i'd
tell about a mute running into sound, obscure rooms with brambles.. - Yr
'Shower Song' made me figure of a strange resounding cloud which
always follows You.. where does Yr music use to drive You? Phyll
Smith: while creating in the moment... and while listening to the sound after... it
is a mix of places I am brought... to old memories of youth... haunted
spaces... recollections... love lost (yet forever captured for a moment
in song)... driving along dark roads at night... which I used to do a
lot growing up in a town with not a lot to do but go driving and visit
haunted land and houses...& Dreaming... k: Do You ever dream
doing Music during Yr dreams? (i'd answer yes he he) Phyll: of
course... most always there are sounds in my dreams that I don't always
recall when I wake up... and even though I cannot remember the sounds to
create them in waking life... I use the feelings I had while
dreaming... to inspire the sounds I create while awake... so abstract
thoughts/sounds in dreams... will more than likely create themselves in
another form later. k: Tendentious question: do You feel a Dark
Muse? Or is a Dark Muse who inspires You? Phyll: I do
not follow any one path or Dark Muse... but I am inspired by
most of them... like Hekaté, Kali, Lilith and other
strong willed... intense women who inspire the Dark Muse in me. k:
What Music/Bands do You like to play on Yr stereo? Phyll: So
many... the old standards... like Bauhaus, Tones on Tail, Dead
can Dance, Cocteau Twins, Lycia, Swans, Jarboe,
Joy Division, Chameleons UK... Faith & the Muse,
Billy Holiday, This Ascension, Tom Waits, Sonic
Youth (one of my fav's), Lustmord, Raison d'Etre, Slint,
Loop, Chrome, Dome, My Bloody Valentine, PJ
Harvey, Patti Smith... I am influenced by so many diverse
sounds... A lot of experimental musicians... and underground artists on
mp3... like: Sara Ayers, falling you, Artemis 23, Hoth(e), Mindspawn, Unto ashes,
Beautiful Machine,
Dymphna, Soil
Bleeds Black, Unwoman, encomiast, Mors Syphilitica,
. . and of course my husband's sounds Nihil
Communication... without his inspiration... Dark Muse
might still be only in my head. k: How is Yr world? How's a
typical day of Yrs? Phyll: Not too interesting... wake up late...
hug my cat Sassy, check email, make jewelry or shop for supplies, take
pictures or paint when the mood strikes me... maybe set up the studio
and create sounds... visit with my husband after he comes home from
work... create jewels into the wee hours of the morning... go to bed
when my husband gets up for work... (while listening to my work... I
drift off to sleep to do what I love best... dream) k: What's the
ever first dream been You can remember? Phyll: i can remember
just about every dream I ever had... I'd say one of the most
memorable... was when I was really young... I was a sleep with my mom in
bed at my gramma's... I heard a noise... a fly was buzzing at the
window trying to get out... it was still night... I awoke and watched it
for awhile... then I just happened to look around the room in the
dark... and sitting on top of my lamp was an outline of a real owl (made
of night time color dots) as soon as it said 'whooo'... I screamed and
screamed till my gramma came in and let me sleep with her... the whole
night I slept under the covers at her feet... This actually wasn't a
dream, I was awake... but the owl might have transfered over from
dreaming to waking life. This type of waking/dream happened again in
first grade when I awoke to a strange noise of vibration of the bed...
and when my eyes could focus better in the darkness... I saw some wooden
posts hooked up to my bed... attached was an old wooden seat like that
on an old wagon... and sitting in it... was a scary looking witch who
seemed to be driving my bed like a wagon or a stage coach... she turned
around and stuck out her finger, pointed at me and said... " you'd better go back to sleep!"
in almost a cackle... (she was also made up of color dots) I freaked out
and tried to run out of my room... when I opened my door... 2 (color
dot outlines) of lions were guarding/blocking outside my door... I tried
to scream but couldn't... (again I was awake during this event...) this
whole event probably stemmed from the book turned movie 'the lion the
witch and the wardrobe' k: I like a lot the way You use the
sounds of guitars, You don't exactly play them (You know, chords,
riffs), but anyway You can obtain some wonderful alternated
nervous/relaxed vulnerable mesmerizing trance/feedback together with the
involving of the voices (i.e. White Lines).. Phyll: My
brain doesn't work well to instruction and technique... I have always
played using ears... and making patterns with my fingers... I just
recently got a few new toys for the guitar... a capo, e-Bow which makes
the chords sound like they are being bowed... and of course the 'Line 6'
delay Modeler which created Delay/reverb effects and loops... which I
also use on my voice and found object noise as well... (a good exampe if
on the new track posted on mp3 'Queen of the World of Spirits'.)
k: what's a T-Rodimba? What's its sound? Phyll: The
T-Rodimba... is a unique instrument (and pretty big) created by an
incredible experimental musician named Tom Nunn... he doesn't use
any effects on his sounds... but his instruments tend to reverberate
sounds like effects... The T-Rodimba is made of wood, screws, nails,
coils & strings... it stands upright and has a pick-up on it that
can be fed into an amp... you can bow the strings/screws, pound on the
board, tap the screws with rubber mallets or whatever you can find...
it's a pretty amazing piece... My husband primarily uses it in his sound
work. I used it on tracks like 'Sound Decay', and 'Speckled
Twinklings' which I did add effects to the sound... k: And
what about Yr lyrics? Phyll: My lyrics come from everywhere...
(most times you can't tell what I'm singing...) but I write from
memories of important events, depression, loss, happiness, lust, family,
politics, spirits... etc... Most times they are full stories... poems I
wrote in a café like 'White Lines' which is about watching people out
the window making patterns in the snow with their feet... sometimes my
words are just phrases or pieces of things I hear or think... sometimes
they are patches of dreams I wrote from my dream journal... k:
who is Yr Music for? Phyll: My music has always been for
myself... I enjoy creating jewelry... in fact I love it... but music is
my passion.. when I sing... I put all of my emotions and body into it...
sometimes I want to cry when I hit cetain notes... Creating sound has
always been very private for me... I finally decided to post on mp3
after I started Dark Muse... Because I felt if someone listened
to my work... and maybe felt the way I did when I created it... maybe it
takes them on a journey, or they meditate, or make love to it... or
dream with it... then I felt it would be worth turning other people on
to it. k: what about Yr first solo performance? How's been? Were
You all alone on the stage? Playing what? [Phyll played Her first
live concert when i first got in touch with Her - k's
Phyll: Yes, I played my
first solo performance... all by myself... The sounds I created were
improvisational/experimental and lush... and although it felt right and
came across well... (had a nice group of people come out)... the show
was a little messed up by the over all sound/feedback and fuzz... that
was coming maybe from the inhouse mixer... not sure... I really had no
time to find the source... so I made do... was so nervous... even began
to shake a little... once I started to get into it... it felt really
nice... and the people were so receptive and gracious.. and tried not to
focus on the fuzz in the speakers... I played my electric guitar with
capo, and e-Bow, bowed a cymbal, bells, small sculptural instr. (made by
Tom Nunn)... other found objects, a Russian table string piano,
and my 'Line 6' with added effects and vocals. I look forward to
performing again. k: What's happiness for You? What's sadness? Phyll:
Happiness is huggin my cat, kissing my Hus., having some cake, making
jewelry, being acknowledged for my craft, collecting stones and odd
things, painting, drawing, shooting video of experimental music then
editing it with color/movement/and visual artistry, creating music...
& dreaming. Sadness... is not having creating music for so many
years... losing someone young... never seeing friends again, people who
only think of themselves..regret... and not having any cake! k:
Do You consider Yr music happy or melancholic? Phyll: I consider
it Somber for the most part...reflective, haunting... it all depends on
your mood in the moment... I am happy when I create it... even if life
around me is sad... I think for the listener... whatever energy you put
into it... is what you'll get out of it. k: What about the Fossil Dungeon
rec? Phyll: Michael Riddick from the Fossil Dungeon...
also has a project 'the Soil Bleeds Black' which I enjoy... I am
lucky he has decided to help promote my sound... it is a kind of honor
or acknowledgement in a sense... that he likes my work enough to have
approached me and to release a cd of my work. We are hoping it will be
released in the next month or so... it will be a lot of new tracks not
previously on mp3 and a few of my first tracks...
also 'Queen of the world...'
will be on it as well... The Fossil Dungeon is still pretty
new... and has it's hands full in promoting and releasing other unsigned
artists in the Ethereal, dark ambient, industrial realms... as well, it
is putting togther a compilation cd of some ther mp3 artists. k:
Do You want to say anything about Eyescream
Jewelry, - You look also a very skilled Jewel creator.. Phyll:
I am self taught... and have had many a trial and error to figure
things out. I feel adorning oneself is an extension of one's creative
self expression... I view most pieces I create as Totem creations...
which is why I tend to do a lot of insects or flying creatures... my
jewels are not necessarily impulse purchases, people save up for them,
or they just have to have them... (like they speak to them) I feel most
pieces were almost made for the person who gets them... (even if I have
never seen them before... kind of like my music... it is created for me
in the moment... then someone else hears it... connects with it... thus
it was created for them)...
(ps. k: hmmm, what's a 'capo'? I don't know it. Phyll: a Capo is something you press down on your strings like a clamp of some kind that changes the tone/pitch of your strings...)
Info & sounds:
Fossile Dungeon rec ->
interview done in agoust 2oo1 by paolo miceli, appeared on komakino#8
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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