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fake osx on xp

 | pall youhideme
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- Volete provare l'ebbrezza di mac osx? FlyakiteOSX può aiutarvi in due modi: 1° - direttamente online con un fake, costruito splendido tramite una bella prova d'abilità flash; 2: potete scaricarVi un bel theme + il DOCK! Purtroppo funziona solo su win xp..
Do You want to feel the thrill to have a go with mac osx but You are shy geek? FlyakiteOSX may help: first, by an amazing introducing fake, built on flash, available online. 2: more, You can download a gracious mac theme and, overall, the DOCK BAR! - works on winxp only.

Ž preview [courtesy of friend Sté]: #1, #2, #3
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