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Journal RSS journal posts · 2025 · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · {and before that

Dustin O'Halloran


 | pall youhideme
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I didn't know about new solo project for Dustin O'Halloran, half heart of beloved Devics. It's called Piano Solos, released by Bella Union rec. It's been recorded 'in Italy on a 1930s restored Swiss Sabel piano'.. I'm just listening to some songs on Itunes.. He really captured a special vulnerable as fragile ambient.. i'm going to buy IT, definetively. // Non sapevo del nuovo progetto solista di Dustin O'Halloran, metà cuore degli amatissimi Devics. Si intitola Piano Solos, pubblicato dalla Bella Union rec. E' stato registrato in italia, su un piano Sabel svizzero degli anni 3o. Ha veramente catturato un'atmosfera vulnerabile e fragile. Mi sto ascoltando qualche pezzo su Itunes.. e quindi corro a comprarmelo..
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