61 Winter's Hat
untitled(4+1tx cd, 2o'43'' Wallace rec 'o4)
Stampato su cd da 8 cm, questa uscita fa parte di una speciale serie della Wallace, confezionata in una piccola busta da [...]
18/12/2004 22:12:58
Six Hours
shy photography and blurred short stories
Six Hours seems to be a special corner for shy photography and
blurred short stories. And add it looks nice. [...]
15/12/2004 14:20:45
together again
Leggo leggo che gli Slint
si sono riuniti! E stanno programmando una tournée di 15 date
in Europa + USA, a [...]
12/12/2004 13:58:17
My Red Self
A young girl with a great passion for photography, a
calling-god-with-a-louder-voice inspiration in picturing houses, his
boyfriend, herself, [...]
08/12/2004 16:44:03
Continua un silenzio assurdo a perpetuarsi e a tacere ogni
cosa, perché ogni cosa resti cosa, e null’altro da zittire. Impossibile
01/12/2004 12:30:41
Dustin O'Halloran
I didn't know about new solo project for Dustin
O'Halloran, half heart of beloved Devics.
It's called [...]
01/12/2004 12:13:58
perchè sì
a short Playlist, that is, stuff on my
cd player, through my headphones getting the metro, and cradling my
01/12/2004 11:47:02