Stampato su cd da 8 cm, questa uscita fa parte di una
speciale serie della Wallace,
confezionata in una piccola busta da lettere, formato particolare
deciso per side-project altrettanto particolari. In questo
caso è l'incontro di Fabio
Magistrali (già
noto con A Short Apnea) con Mattia
Coletti (degli ottimi Sedia,
leggi recensio
su koma di 12_settembe), - che incontro propriamente
non è, poichè, senza incontrarsi, si sono scambiati
a distanza le registrazioni. E forse sulle tracce Qui è questo
che si cerca, incontrarsi. Quindi parola chiave: 'incontrarsi',
e innalzarsi, come raccontano brevemente a mò di epitaffio
nella traccia finale del CD. Il primo alle voci e missaggio, l'altro
alle Musiche, creano un'intricata performance entrambi, imbarcati
nell'improvvisazione e l'ambient melodico, su figure di chitarre acustiche
ripetute, piogge digitali, percussioni e organo, passeggiate notturne
nel buio pieno di demonietti della #2, o l'invocazione alla quiete
della #1 e #4, sul surreale e il lirico, nella pura espressione dell'armonia.
Cari a Gastr
del Sol o Tortoise;
peccato solo 4 tracce.
Released on a special 8 cm format, this mini-cd is part of some new records by Wallace, shaped in an small envelope, particular choice for particular side-projects. So, it's Fabio Magistrali and Mattia Coletti meeting, from A Short Apnea, and from brilliant Sedia the ladder (read past review on 12th sept komakino), - but as i read, They didn't meet at all: Mattia made the Music, and sent tracks to Fabio, who made vocals and mixing. - Notwistanding that, They met, and kept Their soul highest as The could, - as They tell along final track, - kind of epitaph. They play a sheming performance, boarded on improvvisation and melodic ambient, - on acoustic repetitive guitar riffs, digital rain, percussion and organ, - nocturnal ill promenades into the dark populated by small demons (track#2), or in hymn to the Quiet (#1, #4), - from surreal to lyricist, in a pure expression of Harmony. - Beloved to Gastr del Sol or Tortoise; 4 tracks only, - what a pity.
Released on a special 8 cm format, this mini-cd is part of some new records by Wallace, shaped in an small envelope, particular choice for particular side-projects. So, it's Fabio Magistrali and Mattia Coletti meeting, from A Short Apnea, and from brilliant Sedia the ladder (read past review on 12th sept komakino), - but as i read, They didn't meet at all: Mattia made the Music, and sent tracks to Fabio, who made vocals and mixing. - Notwistanding that, They met, and kept Their soul highest as The could, - as They tell along final track, - kind of epitaph. They play a sheming performance, boarded on improvvisation and melodic ambient, - on acoustic repetitive guitar riffs, digital rain, percussion and organ, - nocturnal ill promenades into the dark populated by small demons (track#2), or in hymn to the Quiet (#1, #4), - from surreal to lyricist, in a pure expression of Harmony. - Beloved to Gastr del Sol or Tortoise; 4 tracks only, - what a pity.
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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