Mai come in questi giorni a Roma fa caldo... robba da squagliarsi come un cremino lasciato sotto al sole... anche andare a comprare un disco diventa una missione quasi impossibile... ma questi cinque ragazzi di Dublino mi avevano incuriosito al primo ascolto sul miospazio e aver saputo inoltre che verranno a Roma in concomitanza con la riapertura stagionale della MusicaMorta mi ha spinto a sfidare la cappa che soffoca la città eterna; perché è sempre meglio non farsi trovare impreparati... ma la domanda mi era nata spontanea: che cosa c'è in comune tra il garage e la città della Guinness? Pensavo niente invece mi ha risposto la Dirty Water scovando i Revellions e pubblicando questo album composto da dieci tracce racchiuse in circa 30 minuti... una mezzoretta che comincia con Ain't no fool in cui i Revellions ci rivelano che cazzo ci sanno fare; con un organo che ti ipnotizza facendoti uscire pazzo... la seconda traccia è Down on your luck e la temperatura si scalda ulteriormente e il ventilatore nella mia stanza fa svolazzare lo spirito infuocato degli svedesi Stomachmouths... in Up to you c'è tutto quello che serve per far muovere le chiappe; un riff r'n't suonato alla velocità della luce che poi si potrebbe tradurre in un più semplice punk. Ma di semplice in questo quintetto irlandese mi sembra esserci poco e in I don't mind e nella successiva Groundswell ci sputano in faccia tutto il loro stile... organico... distorto... sguaiato... sudato... siamo a metà dell'album e già sono soddisfatto dell'investimento fatto. Not the attraction sembra la colonna sonora dell'uomo ragno rifatta dai Cramps ed io non so se sperare nelle stesse performance sul palco dove il compianto Lux Interior era vestito solo di un calzino infilato sulla terza gamba. Ascoltando invece Walking away e Have it all i Revellions ci portano lontano lasciando ampio spazio agli strumenti con un garage surf al sapore di psychofarmaci... ognuno ha i suoi vizi e tra i miei ci sono anche queste ballate distorte. L'album si chiude con Telling lies e One of a kind gli ultimi due colpi di un album che mi ha centrato in pieno. Nella penultima traccia sembra racchiuso tutto lo spirito e il suono di questo disco... ma i ragazzi irlandesi mentono bene e ci lasciano con un'altra chicca trasformando la loro rabbia in angoscia con l'ultima ballata che rinfresca qualsiasi sogno di un'estate dalle temperature infernali... come un bel tramonto in riva al mare.
Prima di chiudere i complimenti alla Dirty Water per questa nuova produzione, che dopo i Thee Vicars, prenderà in ostaggio il mio stereo per parecchio tempo... perché per la robba sporca ci vado matto.
Freddie Koratella (Dead Music dj-set)
.·´¯¯`·. .·´¯¯`·.
° ° /_ .K ..·
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These days, it's burning hot downhere in Rome.. I'm melting like a cremino [an icecream, ndk] left to the Sun.. and if You decide to go out and buy a new record - it becomes nearly a mission impossible.. but these five kids from Dublin, - I was pretty curious about them after a first listening on myspace, plus, their gig in Rome has due for the reopening season of my DeadMusic djset, - so this pushed me to dare this climate the asphyxiates the eternal town; I mean, it's much better than gettin caught unprepared.. but, here we come to my early question: garage music and the town of Guinness, what is in common? I though NOTHING, but Dirty Water rec found the connection, by releasing this album, filled with ten tracks, about 30 minutes, - an half an hour starting with Ain't no fool where The Revellions show they know the matter; an hypnotic organ, turning you crazy.. the following track is Down on your luck - the temperature gets one more sudden change and the fan in my room makes swirl the burning spirit of swedish Stomachmouths... in Up to you you get everything you need to move your ass; a r'n'r riff, light speed performed, that could be simply punk. But of simple, here, there's nearly nothing, and with I don't mind, and then Groundswell they sput in your face all of their style.. organic.. distorted.. coarse.. sweaty.. I mean, we are just at the middle of the album, and I already feel fine about how I spent my money. Not the attraction sounds like the soundtrack for Spiderman, revisited by Cramps, and I can't say if I am really longing to see or less the same live performances of our beloved Lux Interior wearing only a sock on the third leg.. On the other hand, listening to Walking away and Have it all the Revellions drive us far, giving more room to the intrustruments, making a garage surf that taste of psych drugs.. everyone has got a vice, one of mine is a distorted ballad. The record ends with Telling lies and One of a kind - the last two hits of an album which successfully got my face. Right in the first of two, they did like focused the whole feeling and sound of this disc... but the irish kids are good liars, and left us with one more opus, turning their rage in distress, - a final ballad refreshing every dream during an infernal Summer.. like a beautiful sunset at sea.
Last but not least, my greetings to Dirty Water records for this new production, - previously with Thee Vicars, they take hostage my stereo for a long long time.. I totally love the dirty thing.
Prima di chiudere i complimenti alla Dirty Water per questa nuova produzione, che dopo i Thee Vicars, prenderà in ostaggio il mio stereo per parecchio tempo... perché per la robba sporca ci vado matto.
Freddie Koratella (Dead Music dj-set)
.·´¯¯`·. .·´¯¯`·.
° ° /_ .K ..·
·.. º .·
These days, it's burning hot downhere in Rome.. I'm melting like a cremino [an icecream, ndk] left to the Sun.. and if You decide to go out and buy a new record - it becomes nearly a mission impossible.. but these five kids from Dublin, - I was pretty curious about them after a first listening on myspace, plus, their gig in Rome has due for the reopening season of my DeadMusic djset, - so this pushed me to dare this climate the asphyxiates the eternal town; I mean, it's much better than gettin caught unprepared.. but, here we come to my early question: garage music and the town of Guinness, what is in common? I though NOTHING, but Dirty Water rec found the connection, by releasing this album, filled with ten tracks, about 30 minutes, - an half an hour starting with Ain't no fool where The Revellions show they know the matter; an hypnotic organ, turning you crazy.. the following track is Down on your luck - the temperature gets one more sudden change and the fan in my room makes swirl the burning spirit of swedish Stomachmouths... in Up to you you get everything you need to move your ass; a r'n'r riff, light speed performed, that could be simply punk. But of simple, here, there's nearly nothing, and with I don't mind, and then Groundswell they sput in your face all of their style.. organic.. distorted.. coarse.. sweaty.. I mean, we are just at the middle of the album, and I already feel fine about how I spent my money. Not the attraction sounds like the soundtrack for Spiderman, revisited by Cramps, and I can't say if I am really longing to see or less the same live performances of our beloved Lux Interior wearing only a sock on the third leg.. On the other hand, listening to Walking away and Have it all the Revellions drive us far, giving more room to the intrustruments, making a garage surf that taste of psych drugs.. everyone has got a vice, one of mine is a distorted ballad. The record ends with Telling lies and One of a kind - the last two hits of an album which successfully got my face. Right in the first of two, they did like focused the whole feeling and sound of this disc... but the irish kids are good liars, and left us with one more opus, turning their rage in distress, - a final ballad refreshing every dream during an infernal Summer.. like a beautiful sunset at sea.
Last but not least, my greetings to Dirty Water records for this new production, - previously with Thee Vicars, they take hostage my stereo for a long long time.. I totally love the dirty thing.
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