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Isabella Adjani



 | pall youhideme
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I saw this movie in two different ages of my life: the first time when I was a kid in the 80s, and then a couple of weeks ago. Possession, dated 1981, directed by Andrzej Żuławski, is more than a mere horror movie.
It's actually orrific, psychically disturbing, with a majestic Isabella Adjani - in a double (or even triple) role which made her won an award for Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival the same year.
Sam Neil - starring as her husband - was excellent too, but, doubtless, it is Isabella Adjani the real shining core of this movie, - she is intense Beauty and Terror, un'altalena of schizoid passion and struggling desperation.
I would be curious to know how/what She studied or planned to prepare these couple of scenes, or if She simply let her-self go. Her eyes are deadly blue and true, when for a moment She eyes the camera straight to us. I remember I had nightmares for days about that. The metro scene below is maybe her most amazing and hardest actor-proof so far.

Update: do not miss this interesting retrospective and making of, interviews with director Andrzej Żuławski, producer Marie-Laure Reyre, writer Frederic Tuten and cameraman Andrzej Jaroszewicz.

Last but not least: for sure it's worth a mention, Rosamund Pike's version for Massive Attack track.

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