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Steve Albini

Taste like


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I guess that after more than 20 years of reading  here and there interviews to mr. Steve Albini with people still asking what's best, if analogue or digital (oh dear, again?), I finally found new interest in his genius with this: mariobatalivoice, his cooking blog.

"This is what I made Heather for dinner. The name comes from the way I bring her food in bed and present it to her using an imitation of Mario Batali's voice from TV." [..]

Let's say it, songs about cooking (cabaret!).

Of course, if you still want to hear more of his opinions about analogue and digital, serve your-self here: I am Steve Albini, ask me anything
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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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