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Land Lines


(10tx CD, Cash Cow rec 2012)

 | pall youhideme
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Debut record for this three piece band, cherished by the bare sound of a cello, drums, and mellow female vocals, a LP released a couple of years ago, and in my drawer only lately, I guess. 
Debut songs, albeit they are not new to this making music together since over ten years, as I read.
Pretty pleasant tunes, naked and direct. Depressed Music and soporific, this, to be meant under a positive key. You can open a book and have a cup of tea with this. It won't bother you. It will be a perfect companion for your readings, although, as side-effect, silently it will inoculate pure bitterness, drop after drop. Chamber pop music. You tell. They pluck the strings of a cello, while the drum beat bounces around and those fragile, dramatic vocals call your tears to show, if you still have any. 
My favorite track is Vegas: it starts as a full instrumental piece, pretty cinematic, like shaped for a neo-realist french movie, then it takes a new path of bitterness, feeded with minimal lyrics. Like for the longer, final track, Arms. Disarming beauty, actually.

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