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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Eric Chenaux

Hello Eyes

(7tx K7/DGTL, 45'' - Ulyssa rec 2022)

 | pall youhideme
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Hello Eyes is more about 'goodbye voice'. This new trip by Eric Chenaux is mostly fully instrumental, free-form, his sweet voice of Say Laura is missing. So, this might be disappointing for some. Said that, since the cassettes title track, the electric guitar moans wah wah and it freely runs experimental, like an out of body experience. This is Eric Chenaux astral tripping. Courtyard Tropics 1 and 2 are mesmerically heavenward drifting. So, is this psychedelia? Can't say, still, it goes psychic for sure, and there's an emotional candor pervading the tracklist, oddily dancing with elegance and tip toe, like a Betting Lady on a rope, exploring the difference of her sweet dancing moves. Intros and Spring plays with the fire of your patience, then, unexpected, his sweet voice: all is forgiven.

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