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La Calle Mojada

Two brand new songs out

 | pall youhideme
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Stargazer La Calle Mojada have got two fucking bliss-out songs to let You hear at myspace: Rohmer and So Far from Winter to Fall, - a preview from forthcoming EP debut, release due to next January. - So Far from Winter to Fall is pure elevation to the sky, - i bet You'll get the creeps if You have some blood inside that cold cold heart: what a great ethereal crescendo! - Rohmer is more than a shoegaze lullaby with its unexpected pop u-turn, - movements are slow and delicate. - Do not miss Your chance to dream on these tunes.
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 pall writes:
(21/12/2007 15:21:00 - ip: 89.97....)
 il fisionomicista writes:
ma questo è guidone con la maglitta verde, o no?
(21/12/2007 13:24:00 - ip: 84.253...)
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