A debutto su Seahorse, registrati e mixati da Paolo Messere dei Blessed Child Opera, i Deny,
da Avellino, sciorinano pezzi brillanti, volendo anche di scelta
inusuale se considerati all'interno del panorama italiano, per quanto
poi fuori confine nei canoni del decoro dell'indie noise più rarefatto.
L'ottimo pezzo di apertura in crescendo Charles Bonnet Syndrome (echi di prime luminanze e lentezze spleen di Smashing Pumpinks) è il biglietto da visita per ottenere subito rispetto, e la New Song con la falsa partenza lo-fi apre una catarsi chitarristica vicina ai Sebadoh, - potenziale hit. - L'untitled è
il bis adrenalinico del meritato richiamo su palco dopo un concerto di
distorsioni che caricano psichedelia melodica. - Trovo qualche ombra di
primo latte invece sulle digressioni di Your Smell, Leave Me High, o di Leaves of Grass, che
mi fa penare prima di giungere ad un elevatissimo finale, brutalmente
sentimentale, che punta alla volta celeste. - Ok, poi c'è l'incursione
blueseggiante di Only Love To.., per i primi due minuti avevo
pensato di aver cambiato accidentalmente disco, invece poi fa ritorno
allo stile delle altre tracce con ottimi inserti di chitarra per poi
tradire nuovamente e virare in un'altra direzione, un pò come il finale
elettronico della tre puntini '...', quasi una seconda stanza della
stessa canzone. - Credo questo Sharing Ghosts sia una
meritata introduzione a quello che sarà il prossimo disco, che mi
immagino già con un song-writing più ricco, maturo e drammatico. Music
@ myspace/denymusic.
Label debut release on Seahorse recordings, recorded and engineered by Paolo Messere of Blessed Child Opera, - Deny, from southern italy, write brilliant tracks, even somehow unusual if meant within the italian scene, although more regular abroad, along proper rules of more rarefied indie noise Music. - The very good opening Charles Bonnet Syndrome, in crescendo (let me think of echoes of early inspired Smashing Pumpinks), is the right visiting card to get soon respect, and New Song - with a false lo-fi start - carries a guitaristic catharsis dear to Sebadoh, - potential hit single. - The final untitled track is an adrenalinic deserved encore on stage after a live show full of distorted sounds loading a psyhedelic melodic charge. - I see some ingenuity and dead points on Your Smell and Leave Me High digressions, -as well on Leaves of Grass, that made me suffer before reaching a sublime ending, brutally sentimental, like pointing to the celestial dome. Ok, then there's the bluesy incursion of Only Love To.., - and initially i thought i skipped in error to another record, - only later it goes back to the more recognizable album's style, with some interesting fuzzy guitars, - even if one more time the track betrays the listener turning away somewhere else, - as well as it does the one named with three points '...', with an electronic closure, like a room in another room. I think Sharing Ghosts is a worthy introduction to the next forthcoming Deny's album, - i imagine of something more mature, a richer songwriting and more melancholic. Music @ myspace/denymusic.
Label debut release on Seahorse recordings, recorded and engineered by Paolo Messere of Blessed Child Opera, - Deny, from southern italy, write brilliant tracks, even somehow unusual if meant within the italian scene, although more regular abroad, along proper rules of more rarefied indie noise Music. - The very good opening Charles Bonnet Syndrome, in crescendo (let me think of echoes of early inspired Smashing Pumpinks), is the right visiting card to get soon respect, and New Song - with a false lo-fi start - carries a guitaristic catharsis dear to Sebadoh, - potential hit single. - The final untitled track is an adrenalinic deserved encore on stage after a live show full of distorted sounds loading a psyhedelic melodic charge. - I see some ingenuity and dead points on Your Smell and Leave Me High digressions, -as well on Leaves of Grass, that made me suffer before reaching a sublime ending, brutally sentimental, like pointing to the celestial dome. Ok, then there's the bluesy incursion of Only Love To.., - and initially i thought i skipped in error to another record, - only later it goes back to the more recognizable album's style, with some interesting fuzzy guitars, - even if one more time the track betrays the listener turning away somewhere else, - as well as it does the one named with three points '...', with an electronic closure, like a room in another room. I think Sharing Ghosts is a worthy introduction to the next forthcoming Deny's album, - i imagine of something more mature, a richer songwriting and more melancholic. Music @ myspace/denymusic.
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