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You are now browsing komakino featured archive of giugno 2010


Love your guitar

by Felt Mistress

That's à la mode. [...]
27/06/2010 16:46:05

The Cramps

Like a bad girl should

vid, 1997

That's classy! [...]
25/06/2010 14:28:58

Jealousy Party

Live At Hold'em Roma 2009

(6tx CD, 33'45'' - Boring Machines + Wallace + Burp Publications + BarLaMuerte + Fratto9 + SGR Musiche + Transposonic + Megaplomb + Valvolare + Frigorifero Produzioni)

I do not exactly why, - I'll try to explain my point of view, - btw, these six free-form tracks by the italian spastic-jazz collective Jealousy Party [...]
25/06/2010 13:47:30


Tra fanzine ed editoria indipendente
24/06/2010 23:21:26