I Container 47 sembrano voler aver tutta intenzione di suonare
obliqui e rancidi, ma inequivocabilmente sono rimasti folgorati
delle chitarre macellate d'effetti dei Sonic
Youth, da Goo a Jet Set Trash And No Star, sempre
abbandonare però una matrice rock, anzichè no-wave. Il pezzo che
apre, Sulphuric Encephalon, è, insieme alla strumentale che
l'episodio + aspro e particolare: elettrici, turbinanti ma
controllati, rallentano
solo x tessere qualche paesaggio acquatico/noise/acido_psichedelico
(il centro
di Mother's Water, o l'ottima fuga di Kill Me), mentre
la voce
di Manu (anche ad una delle chitarre) viaggia su microfono
distorto piangendo
disilluso le sue strofe. - Sicuramente + d'effetto e selvaggi dal
che in studio, - secondo me, - e la Loretta
rec non è nuova a buone produzioni (Senpai, Prague,
su koma x + info).
Container 47 totally wish to sound oblique and rancid, but without any shadow of doubt, They've been struck by slayered guitars under efx à la Sonic Youth, from Goo to Jet Set Trash And No Star, - but They are in a rock matrix/root, and not of no-wave origin. Opening track, Sulphuric Encephalon, is together with closing instrumental one, most particular and sour: electric, swiriling, but under control, - They use to slow down to drawn some underwater/noise/tart_psychedelic soundscapes (center of Mother's Water, or excellent escape on Kill Me), while Manu's voice (playing one of two guitars too) runs on distorted microphone, crying disenchanted his lyrics. - Surely They catch more feeling performing live, wilder too, - so i guess, - and it's not first time for Loretta rec They do a production worth people's attention.
Container 47 totally wish to sound oblique and rancid, but without any shadow of doubt, They've been struck by slayered guitars under efx à la Sonic Youth, from Goo to Jet Set Trash And No Star, - but They are in a rock matrix/root, and not of no-wave origin. Opening track, Sulphuric Encephalon, is together with closing instrumental one, most particular and sour: electric, swiriling, but under control, - They use to slow down to drawn some underwater/noise/tart_psychedelic soundscapes (center of Mother's Water, or excellent escape on Kill Me), while Manu's voice (playing one of two guitars too) runs on distorted microphone, crying disenchanted his lyrics. - Surely They catch more feeling performing live, wilder too, - so i guess, - and it's not first time for Loretta rec They do a production worth people's attention.
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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