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Brenda Eccless s/t (k7, 10trx, crinoide rec 98) - Brenda Eccless open their demotape with an intro shooting as God Is My Co-pilot (especially for the distortion used as destroying ray together with the bass gtr/machinegun), - instrumental intro with a background noise of rabid dogs.. - inside the booklet there's a note about this song which does appeal the plot of a beautiful movie of some years ago, talking about the apocryphe évangiles, - Christopher Walken plays the archangel Gabriel, who had lost the divine grace and he was jealous of the attention of god for that talking monkeys. and then he wanted his revenge.. Anyway, Brenda Eccless' musique is an articulate noise and semi-technical, often screamed at 2 voices, broken by some brief instrumental pauses able to create new atmospheres. When the solo gtr fades in god has forgiven the lucifer's horse and then all together blow up you get really the impression of a great ride (i figure this song from live..).. I guess Crinoide rec is a cool indie label (tied with Halley Rec.), it has produced this demotape with good chrisms, and Andrea (the man behind its production) told me that Brenda Eccless have got a new line-up, some new songs but they are without production. The core of the band spins around warf, jury and roy (?), with two guest drummers. The side b of the tape is harder & faster, with some powerful songs.. what else can i say? They're ok, someone would add mature: send £7000 or ask for their catalogue to andrea volpini - v. s. elena, 3 - 35030 - selvazzano (pd) - italy ----> by yrkomakino@gmail.compao mice
HorsePower - fayetteville
(cd, unreleased, 10tx, 99) - 15th march, not a good beginning that
morning, woken in a bad mood and a long trip to have, 5 dead cats & 1
dog along the highway.. then i back home, my postman rings the bell and i
receive a packet without sender: HorsePower! Fayetteville! Wow!
Flashback: if You have read komakino#2 i had written to the mute
rec looking for more info about the Rosa Mota's split up and Their
diaspora, - and to my great surprise one day they answer me giving me Sacha
Galvagna's email.. The answer came pat.. cool.. i ask him to update me..
ian is in the band with me. michelle lives in new york but is in europe,
at the moment, playing with hugh cornwell (singer from the stranglers). justin
is also playing drums for him. its paid work.... julie has a child with robin
and she is busy with her. she has songs which she wants to record. i am also
doing some music with some friends called smartbomb, its very electronic and
strange. [Fayetteville] is very different from rosa mota, very quiet.
its not on a record label, yet. we are also trying to finance another album
at the moment. You have to listen to Fayetteville sitting &
cradling Your-self on a rocking chair, ideally just a moment before night
& dreams arrive. Close-up dreaming gtrs with a whispered background of
drms & bass gtr, under an inmost & friendly atmosphere, - it looks
like They give You a steaming cup of tea/coffee to sip while outside it's
raining and You swing under Ian's voice, listening to the precious episodes
of the trumpet (electric arms & legs' intro..).. Small Towns,
1st trk, is Something deeply lovable, with a singing which wants
to introduce You to the semi-smiling observer's mood, sensation re-emerging
on death of a man, an instrumental song where in the background you
hear yelling children while the theremin floats.. Maybe this is the manifesto
of the direction of this Cd, if You are looking for. Diary of a lost girl
(where you hear faraway a restrained gtr imploding), el hombre invisible
low-life scum.. thanx xxx. Before Fayetteville They have released
Bare Back Ep, mute rec., and Sacha told me it's a
cross between what rosa mota were and what horsepower are now.. on the
notes inside the cd every one has got a latin name, but here You are the right
line-up and The bands in where they were or are.. ian bishop:
gtr & vcls - sacha galvagna: gtr & vcls - ted garcia
(feline, ultraviolet, unilever): gtr & vcls - mig
(moose, moonshake, feline): percussion (but here julian
hatfield (early rosa mota, dograck) - robin blick
(blowpipe, tortus): wind instruments - dave allen: bass
on more songs. www.horsepower45.com
-> by yrkomakino@gmail.compao mice
Marlo rollover (single Cd, 2tx anno 99 self-produced) - exlusive trx (unreleased 3 trx, k7) - I wont be amazed if a day this indie-rock blood band is famous. Between the various bands Marlo cite i would stop a little on Stone Roses and Suede. On the cd (preceding Instructions in Spontaneous Living E.P) they play a pop music as handbook, especially listening to conserving efforts, where the gtr score gets a distortion which wants to wall up the new-wave like impression You could guess at the 1st listening, and it has a chorus really lovely. Then, everything is really easy to appreciate. The tape, - 3 new songs that Nat tells me to fear They will use just only as a promo to find a label is faster & rocking, and the voice here reminds in some inflexions Sunny Day Real Estate - but with a different pathos (especially listening to what can you say ) in addition with Thom Yorke. Leviathan has got a riff semi-melancholic with a crying end which will remain inside my head for a long time.. superultrastereohifi, its a pity that neither the cd single and the tape (ok, its a promo..) have got a booklet, but it looks like They dont care/need.. Maybe, but Nat tells me this thing speaking in a low voice.., Theyll be on tour with The Fall.. On the stocks there is a mini-album, called Marlow and I good luck.. Info: You can find rollover mp3 on www.peoplesound.com/artist/marlo or on www.reelscreen.com (look in the sound gallery)- Email: marlo 32 bartlett street wavertree, liverpool, L15 ohw, uk - humnobri@livjm.ac.uk. Line Up: Nat OBrien - Lead vcls/Acoustic Gtr - Andy Heywood - Gtrs - Danny Murphy - Bass Gtr - Will McLoughlin - Keyboards/Vcls - Gary THE SMIRK - Drums -> by yrkomakino@gmail.compao mice
Pan Pipes - Transmission Form
(10 tx, cd, l'angelo carnivoro self production. 99) - Their names is a Burroughs-memory,
as they state, - that is the pipes used by humans to get in touch with the
aliens, as narrated in Nova Express. Their cd is self-produced by langelo
carnivoro, and distributed from the italian labels Toast, Lollypop
and Sottosopra rec. The first song i had wanted to hear has been kill
yr idol, guessing it was a sonic youth cover, but its only
an semi-homonym matter.. then i have read another familiar title: taste
of cAndy.. wow i thought a jesus & marychain cover!..
??!! what a stupid, that one was taste of cIndy.. but is it intentional?
Well, anyway: they develop a sound split in components maybe too precariously
distant between them, trying to tie on different songs electronic, samples,
soft pauses/dance tunes, - alternating some atmospheres i have most appreciated
as in Yoshi (where a double bass, some percussions and 3 perfect notes
of a gtr dance marching in a line..), or as in Radio Flash, even if
the mixing on the reciting voice is maybe too far from the original body. An
interesting voice, Andrea Tabanelli, signs every song. Metropolis
and Child could be a movie score, even if i found the overall cd
too often gives the idea it is not yet ready to be released.. a sensation?
Last thing: i have got an unique smashing pumpkin song, on a compilation
cd called no alternative (and i dont like too..), then the only
one i can remember better: glynis; and well, you and me closing
transmission form is almost the same.. well, i dont think to
be wrong.. but.. who knows? Pan Pipes born in the 98, and they have
a line-up looking like a tongue twister: taba, bando, tony,
toty, pepo, coming from some precedent experiences as Unable,
Skinnerdolls, Crackdown and (here i have shivered) Cristina
Donà.. On their web site there are available several mp3s and some unreleased
songs.. http://stage.vitaminic.it/pan_pipes,
mail to: lhvtab@tin.it Andrea
Tabanelli v. lume, 30/c 40020 Bubano (Bo) italy
-> by yrkomakino@gmail.compao mice
Vodka Camels - s/t (6 trx
- 99 cd autoprodotto) - The 1st thing You think about when You give Yr first
listening to Vodka Camels: early duran duran. That because of
several episodes of singer's voice, Chris, and if You like simon &
Co. that can be a good beginning, but overall Their music has got another
direction, more personal. The first 3 songs are more recent, and relatively
brighter than the leaden mood of the latter ones, which have an 80s spirit.
A dragged drum and its percussion give
a cool opening to Days of men where the voice has got a better strength
and potentiality. Maybe They can look a bit cold, and a background spleen
which can not always convict, but maybe its a mixing problem. If we
were still in the 80s, id state they could belong to a sort of romantic
rock scene, but with something more. The last track (some violent girls
) is lovely ballad, with sad tones and a chorus You can easily love.. cool..
As cover-art everything is very spartan.. Info: Ian Maxwell 85 victoria
road west hebburn tyne & wear ne31 1uy england
email: ianmaxwell55@hotmail.com
Line Up: Chris Gainger vcls Ian Maxwell bs Terry
Anderson gtrs Greame Mc gtrs Derek Bird - drms
-> by yrkomakino@gmail.compao mice
Ro-robot - Land (5tx, ep, self-produced)
- Behind Ro-robot there are deep post-punk shadows, - joy division serving
Mass in several episodes of the voice, and a flanger effect (land )
ing to take You away longing not to
come back.. The Ep, recorded as They state in an abandoned country
house, extricates it-self on the classic trio gtr/bs/drms, with the addition
of some interesting & strange sa
and a little farfisa-like pianola. A sound that looks to hide a promising
future as melancholic, all pressed between distorted ghosts. Get Tested,
the last track in order, is a one way ticket of pure spleen.. [interview
taken from komakino #3, papery version] Info: Ro-robot homepage
(here several mp3 are available), waandersm@texim.eurodis.com,
ro-robot lansinkstraat 10 7481 Jp Haaksbergen Netherlands
----> by yrkomakino@gmail.compao mice [read
another review]