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Torino Rock 'N' Roll Starz (cd 11tx + 1rom 37'o2''
- 'o1 Smartz/Sborra rec + Frienz) -
Smith (california, u.s.a.) doesn't write songs, but explicitly mesmeric
invitations in meat-sound (if sounds have meat), invitations to abandone,
leave Yr-self falling, to the dreams, to the obscure and charitable nature
of the uncertain Melancholia. Pure inspiration, ecstasy, sudden views on endless
landscapes, - i consider Her Music brilliant, pure shining. I always use to
do a division between 'dark' and 'darkettone' (oh well, i don't know how translating
this word in english, pardonnez-moi), - that one i love is gothic, the ladder
is baroque, - in italian we have light violet (violetto) and violet (viola),
i consider the first is dark, the ladder darkettone. She's violetto,
- just like when in koma#7 i was talking about Slowdive, - i
think They had been a sort of
di Mirò - Rise and Fall of Academic Drifting
(cd 8tx, 53'18'' - 'o1 Homesleep rec) - In italian underground, there are
two bells about
Time To Relax (2oo1 - Seastars Rec.)
- The Chromosomes are a punkrock Band meta-californian style, ->
12 months long summer, carefree, perfect refrains (take a listen to the impeccable
end of Siren), ready to shoot millionaire singles (and each song on
this tape i got is a potential single indeed). Sure, nothing new (Ramones
& Co uber alles, You know), - but by the way Their music is fucking
catching, fast skatepunkrock (They know their thing), ready for success, trustworhy
at 13o% (Surfin Around, As Long As You Are Here..), well tuned
voices and surely fresher than a lot of stuff You have to hear around, mainstream
or not. -> Poor Chromosomes! They were born in italy! Downhere They
only waste time and money, go abroad, listen to me. A real perl indeed is
a score, a typical score taken from some movies with Bud Spencer &
Terence Hill [what's the author's name??] and a very mentally deranged
thing (probably i'm going to be wrong) taken from the 'banana split show',
that american tv show for kids, with dogs and other animals driving a car
during the theme song. - According to me, They could sign for Lookout rec,
so They can pension a lot of people off. Info:
seastarsrec@yahoo.it - mp3's on http://stage.vitaminic.it/the_chromosomes
// Mimmo from Chromosomes
wrote me after reading this review, and told me that the authors were De
Angelis brothers, aka Oliver Onions, and both covers were from
the Bud and Terence's movie entitled 'Altrimenti ci Arrabbiamo'
- Guitar+Voice, Volume 1 (cd 9tx, 51'35'' - autoprod.
'o1) - John Jindra, Minneapolis, U.S., is a very refined musician,
full of talent and elegance; - the title of this cd introduces well what You
are going to feel and listen to: a guitar (acoustic or semi), a man, and the
soul They share together, - or, if You prefer, what joins both. Everything
hanged on a exquisite grace of an un-plugged, with John - a very skilled
guitarist, under blues influences and low spirits, -> to help You, to give
You a direction, i can cite some moods à la Jeff Buckley, -
but just only 'cause in my limited music culture Buckley is the character
more representative, symbolical playing in ceratin backgrounds, - and Jindra
does. That means a very beautiful male voice (listen to Rush Hour Stares,
Summer), full of shining/spark, - a songwriting often
ironical (Icon) as well as sad in his stories, lyrical and impassioned
elevations (the chorus of Didn't Seem To Care Much: - i wish, and
i wish, i wish didn't seem to care that much at all, people know that i've
lost my soul). To listen while outside Yr window is raining, it's full
autumn, and Yr heart is broken. // 3 questions to John: k: what
does Music mean for You? Where does it drive You? J: Once a trombonist
I was working with in a Ska band told me that if i can't keep time then I
can't play music because music is "sound through time". Physically
you can't get a much lower denominatotor layman explanation. For me, TIME
is like gravity. You have to respect it cuz your body relies on it, but, that
does not mean that emotion and conciousness always play with consideration
to it. Sometimes crashing to the ground is the best part. I definitely enjoy
a trampaline of time when working with other players that know the same subtle
pleasure, or even on the computer using MIDI sequences with outboard synth
modules and samplers. Music drives me to "where ever". Truly. I'm
open to that and those times are my communion. If it's been a week since I've
had this communion I'll start to notice how poorly I deal with little shit
in life. My views on humanity will go much lower than they normally are already.
So, music drives me deeper into music.
k: what do You feel when You play Yr guitar? J: I honestly don't
know what I feel. I feel like a child whose lost his parents or had some significant
trauma. Analysts can tell the child what it's feeling and why it acts like
it does, but, the kid doesn't give a fuck, it's only acting naturally. k:
Do You think every guitar had an own soul? J: I'm not very knowledgeable
about equipment and instruments. I'm starting to gain an intuitive ear for
tone with guitars and other instruments, but this is recent history. Well,
I'd be quicker to use the word "soul" with a guitar than with a
human. Only because I know I'd be speaking figuratively. Cabbages have aspects
of of conciousness but I wouldn't say guitars do; character and personality
but not literally conciousnees or soul.
All right, now I really feel like a pompous dickhead. [:-)) ndk]
// Info: www.mp3.com/jindra
- http://jindra.iuma.com
- email: jestate@qwest.net // cd available
also at www.cdbaby.com/jindra2
Sindrome di Stoccolma (cd 5tx - 24'53'' - 'o1 Eels For Fun rec.) - 'I did
use ruined and treated cd's, broken down keyboards and other devices i created,
- everything handicraft' that's how Luca Sigurtà well prepared
ne for his cd, sort of electronic minimalism/decomposition, sort of ideal
sound tracks for those mute and absurd short-films with frames/by fits and
starts where You don't understand absolutely a thing. Five pieces, instrumental-not-instrumental,
but on Videotape Machine where a voice (in italian, by Tommaso Clerico,
playing also some piano) declaims some words, plundered away by delay effects.
For the rest, pure alienation, mental derangement, not-music, endless
loops, imperceptible chats between spacecraft computers, broken electric cables
moving dangerously into the void. Be careful if You're intentioned in listening
to this cd with headphones - it could blow up Yr mind.
Carnifull - Furillo (cd ep 8tx - 25'19'' -
'o1 RiotMaker Rec) -
This Luka Carnifull's solo project sounds for me a bit approximate,
rough, maybe also a bit meagre, - but maybe it's because of instruments mix,
each one too separate from the rest, - it seems improvised, - even if his
intentions are good: guitar, bass, drum machine + keyb, - instrumenatal trks,
atmosphere (how many times did i use this word on this #?). Maybe if he can
take advantage of a better production.. by now, it seems a whole of introduction-songs,
- the trumpet brainwave (on the 4th) could sound nice, but the sound Roland-like
is terrible, luckless. I want You to know, i need to tell You once more, that
my opinions are always opionions, ok? The #7 (they are all untitled) plays
like a piano bar/detective song. The #8 looks like the best one, as recording
as pathos, - but this cd would need other #8. Beautifull indeed the picture
on the cover. Info: riot rec. http://go.to/riotmaker
- lukacarnifull@libero.it
- Munnezz' (cd 7tx - 'oo Hungry rec) - oh my godz, consider,
if hate enough the italian sung, how much can i put up with dialect? In italy,
some dialects are very strong/different respect the 'official' italian language
(i.e. Sardinian, Sicilian, north dialects) - and i don't really like when
it's used for singing (but some folkloristic old songs - but that's a different
story). In this case, Malatja sing in Neapolitan dialect (tien'
'o tifo, cchiù te guard' e cchiù te schifo' - for italian
'hai il tifo, più ti guardo e più mi fai schifo' - for english
'You got the typhus fever [in several years ago, in Naples, this illness seemed
to be very common - k's note], as much as i keep looking to You, You
make me sick') a chorus for all), they are a sort of metalgrungerock (M'Indisponn'
is fucking cloned from Breed by Nirvana, Neapolitan version,
(terrible indeed..)), - ultra fast two hands guitar solos (a classic way of
playing guitar, a must of official modern italian school), chorusing,
show pretty good technique off - but i'm going to repeat ad nauseam: technique
means nothing without shining/spark! And with Malatja we are in the
deeper dark. I hate to go down in stereotype italia-pasta&pizza, italians-everybodysings,
Neaples-pulcinella&mandolino, - but some kind of people do their best
to keep on feeding that, maybe also with pride, why? why? Tullio
de Piscopo meets the youth. Anyway, notwithstanding my personal opinion
they take part to several local music competitions as arezzo wave, rocktargatoitalia,
musicagiovane '99. And so what? That's just right i was saying. I understand
a sending promo's around, but why to komakino? I'm trying to give an objective
judgement as well it's in my possibilities, - anyway this is a wasted cd (also
with SIAE registered royalties). Another culture, a different feedback to
commons listenings (Melvins, Sex Pistols, i read in their press
kit) and, i guess, the official italian 'alternative' music future. // Info:
see Free Agency for Proteus 911, - cell. Paolo Sessa
(gtr & vox) 328.8567752 / Roberto D'Antuono (bass) o81.947o2o
Fog In The Shell - Sorry (cd 11tx -
42'16'' - 'o0 Autoprod.) - Guitar and bass player for LaSofferenza,
Marco Guizzi has got also his own side one man project called The
Fog In The Shell: - forget the above mentioned hc, - because here You'll
hear a different intelligence/brain, a different approach: indie bed-room
lo-fi attitude, nearly sonic-folk, - a background melancholia with very good
cards (Just Another Part of Me), - marked on the rhythm of his spleen,
introspective (Autumn - the guitar play divided between the right/left
channel is pretty nice), - i'd state also a beautiful voice, somewhat original
ideas (In My Room) - with a better production, i guess he could risk
to do great things. Info and mp3's: http://digilander.iol.it/fogintheshell
Green Field - s/t (demok7 - 6tx - 'o1)
- Nu-Metal? Hc-Cross? Post-core? Well, Helmet meet Sepultura/Pantera
(i know, my core/metal culture is poor, uh?), - probably a devastately (?)
live impact, I Say, Break It, - kick ass songs, heavy guitars,
quasi tribal percussions, very angry voice (what a pity, the voice is too
constantly under special efx). From the dust of Noisebox and Meatfield,
- poor Last Green Field! They're italians too! Again as above, nothing
new as well as brainwaves/expedients, - but undoubtedly with an excellent
shock wave, for jumping higher & stage diving: another Band that, if born
at abroad, would have its own tour and less problems. When they're quick i
like, - not much the slow parts of Learn. Info: www.lastgreenfield.com.
AA.VV. - Fire Crawl With Me (lp 7tx - 'o1 Bar La Muerte) - Fabrizio Fasolo from D.S.E. send me (merci) this compilation on lp edited by BarLaMuerte rec, Bruno Dorella's ex-Tijuana, - 1st track: Al:freda (already bass player in Larsen), with Madhya Pradesh, a voice speaking deutch, a sickly, ailing dark atmosphere based on xylophone/keyb. Un épreuve for soundtrk? Maybe too short to leave behind a sign. -> Finally i can give a listen to Daniele Brusaschetto, - probably the man that more than anyone else, i guess, has got invested his money in flyers/ads on the italian underground press, - as You read a fanzine/magazine or You receive a packet, be sure, he's there: hmm, well, the missing or the secret member of CCCP [an italian postpunk band of 8o's, now called CSI]? That's his family, as the song's title [a cazzo? - sorry, i don't know how translating this exclamation] Saliva in Raduno, You know, that kind of declaming theatricalness about the voice, together with some distorted postpunk guitars. That's CCCP fault. -> The D.S.E. with Edel Strasse are pretty good, - dark wave 8os style, good instrumental song with a looped voice into echo. I guess this is the best episode together with the extraneousness of A Tribute To The 2oth Century by [R], a lovely piano riff, 5o's love-song style with the sensation that outside the door the atomic bomb is blowing up. -> The sinister and gloomy Lips Vago's moods are not bad, - minimal dark ambient, - but how can You distinguish from Lava's following track? It's Snake In Assisi - i'm not saying these songs are similar, but that they haven't personality/soul: nice songs, but in ambient music the player risks to stay anonymous. -> The Deep wouldn't be bad if only i can hear what they're playing: techno-noisepunk? - I mean, if this record sounded less lo-fi, probably it would be a good ambient/experimental compilation for mr. Lynch. Info: Bar La Muerte c/o Bruno Dorella Via Gioia 82 - 20125 Milano Italy - http://tijuana.kyuzz.org
911 - Sinfonie Dal Mondo Delle Cose Perse (cdr 5tx
- 'o1 Hungry Rec.) - I'd say they're too much soporiferous, - on the letter
i received together with this cd from Free Agency, i read 'post-rock/dark,
experimental', but i don't think so, - They simply play some music without
voice, nocturnal moods, precariously too similar songs - a whispered voice
(in italian) on a couple of pieces, technically sufficient, but with low/poor
personality, [komakino radar: no shining detected]. - This is just a personal
objective opinion, and i know, this is no sense - anyway, they have been selected
for Arezzo Wave festival of last july, they have reached the final round of
Rock Targato Italia fest -> but You know, that's the same thing i was talking
before about Malatja, - so it's not a contrast.
They stay anonymous. // info: mp3's on vitaminic.it, proteus911@supereva.it,
- Free Agency c/o Luca Assante - v. pagliano, 34 - 8oo55 - Portici (Na) -
Vinyl Fur- s/t (cd 3tx - 14'55 - 'o1 Autoprd)
- Red Vinyl Fur
are 4 sweet melancholic Girls from Manchester, UK - since the first song of
this single cd, i recall to my mind some cool '9os Bands as Pale Saints,
Veruka Salt: angelical, struggled, sad, walls of guitars and pathos,
sensual female vocals (by Alison & Mandy). Unfortunately
three songs only, but Zero Point with its shot riffs breaking the other
two slow songs could be an indie hit, -> breaking hearts songs, - if You
are sad this Music is going to dry up Yr tears (Shattering). On the
compilation Do They Knnow It's Xmas these Girls play Ramones'
Merry Xmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight. - Get in touch with: http://www.redvinylfur.com
- info@redvinylfur.com.
Infection - Home is Female Tomorrow Singular
(cd 1o+2tx - 46'o2'' - 'o0 Freeland
rec) - This cd has been released in 2ooo by one of the more interesting italian
indie Labels, but all these songs have been written in 98-99. Twig
Infection, from Sicily, italy, on these songs remind me a Sweep
The Leg Johnny live concert, you know, the impact wave, and also because of
the jazz-post-rock roots. Ok, this 'post-rock' and by-products is over-inflated,
(moreover Francesco from T.I.
wrote me about new recordings (of forthcoming release), - He says - on a somewhat
different line), and, anyway, i listened also to some mp3's on Their Iuma.com
page, as Away When Far Is Not Enough, and on it, You hear a
different attitude, kind of Unwound-ish. Well, Twig
Infection play really good, they could do even better than this (2
Eyed Man, Frog Jobs For Unemployees), and moreover this cd has got a formidable
stereo mixing; - my mind runs, and image to watch Them live in some club,
having my drink. So i have to get up, because They start playing Tribeca
Dreamin or Fase IV td and i have to move head and legs. This cd
is able to create a certain tension in its slowest moments, - jazz fogs, crash
and rolling drms, the night and its creatures. Maths guitar, bass (wonderful
sound) & drms (affected by tarantism), sax + strange toy instruments.
// 3 questions k: Who does listen to the Twig
Infection? Who is the ideal listener? Francesco (gtrs, vcls):
Beautiful question. Such so beautiful that it doesn't need an anwer. And so
be it. k: i saw Yr page on iuma.com, what about? F: We're using
Iuma as an appendix for
our official website, because it allows us to resolve some tecnique problems
(real player stream audio, free space, etc.). The fruits? Some curious americans'
email, about a hundred of contacts per month and some download... k:
Is Yr music happy or not? F: Our music has got a smiling sense of failure.
//// info: twiginfection.iuma.com
/// www.twiginfection.com
- www.freelandrecords.it
- p.o. box 1o6 - 95o3o Gravina di Catania (Ct) - Italy