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You are now browsing komakino featured archive of marzo 2009

Kim Thue

b/w majesty
31/03/2009 16:39:36

Pencil pirate

by Mark Giglio
31/03/2009 14:26:05


beloved deads
30/03/2009 13:49:00

Iron Man vs Bruce Lee

stop/motion fight
29/03/2009 16:35:59


Vintage Early 1959 w/ BIRDSEYE NECK / Ebay auction

"This Jazzmaster is from one of the first production runs and would have been overseen by the great man himself ... Leo Fender!"

Ok, this is porn. And this is also a declaration of love. And this is a time travel, to 1958/59.Buy me this now, GBP 3.295,00 @ ebay: even more [...]
26/03/2009 09:23:56

REM & Muppets

Furry happy monsters

don't be sad

It made my day. [...]
25/03/2009 12:12:03