Caldo caldo appena sfornato ecco The Even Times. Gli Sedia di questo secondo album sono completamente adrenalitici [e, faccio cabaret] seduti
non ci stanno proprio, tanti sono i disordini matematici
sull'epilettico lo schizoide, oltre la pura frenesia da scazzottate
post-rock. Altro che battaglie di breakdancer, ballerini vari o contest
di hip-pop alla 8mile, - invece dovrebbero far scontrare in risse
musicali i math-rockers e affini, con tanto di film al seguito di un
improbabile band_eras che prende dei ragazzi di strada e gli molla una
chitarra con accordatura aperta 'ti va di suonare?'. Insomma
c'è poco di cui rilassarsi con la continua tachicardia della batteria
che perde beat unicamente per qualche minuto sulla seconda parte di Das Kabinet des Doktor Magistalisss (bella dedica all'oramai onnipresente Fabio Magistrali), per poi far gridare al miracolo ormonale su Foret de Mimoses, insieme a chitarre e basso. Insomma,
gli manca solo la parola (per ora non vanno oltre un urlo e un ululato
sull'incipit della prima traccia), quindi il miracolo verrebbe
ufficializzato dalla chiesa indie. [vedi sotto x un mp3]
Just taken out of the oven in these days, The Even Times, second released for italian Sedia, returns the Band completly adrenalined [and, i'll be so funny] be sure They won't stay sitted, such so many the mathematics disorders are, between being epileptic and schizoid, beside pure post-rock rough & tumble frenzy. Forget hip-pop and break-dance contests, those kitschy movies about dance teachers who believe in the talent of problem kids from the streets.. we need a banderas acting 'Why you gotta be such a mathrock weirdo?!'. Well, there is no way to relax here, with a continuous tachycardia of percussions, going half quiet only for a couple of minutes on the second part of Das Kabinet des Doktor Magistalisss, nice dedication to the omnipresent sound-engineer Fabio Magistrali, and You'll be close to shout it hormonal miracle when You hear Foret de Mimoses, in a big crescendo of guitars and bass mayem control. If there was some vocals (at moment just a couple of screams on the opening track), probably this 'miracle' would be made official by the indie church.
›mp3 (via wallace):
01 - Gingilletti
Just taken out of the oven in these days, The Even Times, second released for italian Sedia, returns the Band completly adrenalined [and, i'll be so funny] be sure They won't stay sitted, such so many the mathematics disorders are, between being epileptic and schizoid, beside pure post-rock rough & tumble frenzy. Forget hip-pop and break-dance contests, those kitschy movies about dance teachers who believe in the talent of problem kids from the streets.. we need a banderas acting 'Why you gotta be such a mathrock weirdo?!'. Well, there is no way to relax here, with a continuous tachycardia of percussions, going half quiet only for a couple of minutes on the second part of Das Kabinet des Doktor Magistalisss, nice dedication to the omnipresent sound-engineer Fabio Magistrali, and You'll be close to shout it hormonal miracle when You hear Foret de Mimoses, in a big crescendo of guitars and bass mayem control. If there was some vocals (at moment just a couple of screams on the opening track), probably this 'miracle' would be made official by the indie church.
›mp3 (via wallace):
01 - Gingilletti
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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