J.P.(9tx CD, 27'23'' - Madcap Collective 'o7)
Ok, finally it seems Italy has got its own Bright Eyes guy inloved with David Bowie, - a song like Listen marks a 360° difference respect the rest [...]
15/02/2008 12:51:41
Ray Daytona and Googoobombos
One Eyed Jack(10tx CD, 24'39'' - 66sixties rec 'o7)
It's since late 90s that Ray Daytona and Googoobombos are making Their own way through surf and garage Music. - Do not call it revival, - although [...]
14/02/2008 11:18:45
See also:
Trees of Mint
Micro Meadow...(10tx CD, 4845'' - Here I Stay rec 'o8)
From Sardinia, but based in Bologna, one-man Band Trees of Mint releases a label debut album more recognizable as a collection of ten delicate [...]
13/02/2008 12:49:06
See also:
Carpaccio Esistenziale(12tx CD, 40'49'' - Fratto 9 Under the Sky rec 'o8)
From Ivrea, northern italy, at Their second release, Ex-P [it stays for Ekpyrosis] are unconventional in a conventional way. I mean, experimental [...]
13/02/2008 11:14:43
See also:
La Batterie
He Ate A Lamp Now He's A Fan(13tx CD, 46'38'' - Cake and Coffee rec 'o7)
From Berlin, totally into indie art-pop: minimal jazzy or swing drumming, cute boy/girl vocals, guitars sometimes noisy dissonant, xylophone, - a [...]
08/02/2008 11:05:07
Dead Elephant
Lowest Shared Descent(8tx CD, 39'52'' - Robotradio / Donnabavosa 'o8)
A gigantic blast wave from northern italy. After a couple of aching growls it's the opening song Introducing my eye, in flames to explode in face [...]
07/02/2008 10:07:42
Chester Polio
s/t(7tx CDr, 25'3o'' - self-prod. 'o7)
Ok, let's think of this release exactly for what it is, - a demo: live studio recordings, instrumental, featuring guitar, bass and [...]
06/02/2008 13:15:57
The Ladybug Transistor
Can't Wait Another Day(12tx CD, 40'58'' - Merge rec 'o7)
Brooklyn-based indie elegant pop The Ladybug Transistor are at Their 6th full-lenght release, - i guess that means something. Sometimes symphonic pop [...]
06/02/2008 09:29:15
La Peggiore Mezzora della Vostra Vita(8tx CDr, 30'14'' - SiLagrima rec 'o8)
Il titolo suona più minaccioso di quello che sembra, un pò come il doppio senso mancato di Lubrificarsi E' Bene (a dirlo è poi un robot), o forse il [...]
05/02/2008 15:46:17
The Seven Mile Journey
The Metamorphosis Project(6tx CD, 52'11''- Fonogram 'o8)
Qualunque sia la direzione del viaggio a cui fa riferimento il loro monicker, i Seven Mile Journey sembrano davvero presi e devoti al percorso [...]
30/01/2008 14:58:04
Papier Tigre
s/t(8tx CD, 27'25'' - Effervescence 'o7)
From Nantes, french cousins of Q and not U (that's a praise, people!), wilder than Battles and Sleeping People, - that means They are full of [...]
30/01/2008 12:04:03
OvO / Sinistri with Xabier Iriondo
Phonometak Series#3(4+2trx 1o'' vinyl, 23'16'' - Wallace rec 'o7)
Expressions of madness, allegory and bizzarre are the leit motiv of OvO's production, since ever, whose theatre the two core members Stefania [...]
28/01/2008 10:59:39
Earthen(7tx CD, 41'o7'' - Supernatural Cat rec 'o7)
I spent 20 bucks to buy a copy of this numbered edition of Earthen, 500 copies, handmade printed by amazing Malleus Rock Art Lab, - i want You to [...]
21/01/2008 13:48:03
(4+4tx CD + 2vids, 28'47'' - Robotradio rec 'o7)
Record label Robotradio is not new to conjugate Music, Video and Comics, seen that some years ago there was a brilliant release feat. The Paper Chase [...]
21/01/2008 11:47:42
3ree(11tx CD, 42'23'' - fratto9 under the sky + ebria + nipa.prodz 'o7)
Rumours say Tanake paid something like one thousand euro for 3ree cover artwork.. ahahahah no no, just kidding, - anyway i was just wondering. - BTW, [...]
16/01/2008 16:00:12
Sleeping People
Growing(1o tx CD, 46'53'' - Temporary Residence rec 'o7)
I'd say this record is majestic, - what if They were awake.. (ah-ah-ah) - i mean, it's pure math-rock, no way out, - rhythmics are perfectly shaped [...]
14/01/2008 13:58:58