Luminance Ratio
Like little garrisons besieged(6tx CD, 54'46'' - Boring Machines / Fratto 9 Under the Sky rec 'o9)
Two italian indies invite You to some new hypnosis audio sessions, producing Luminance Ratio's debut release: a spectral climax divided in six [...]
07/01/2010 15:43:08
See also:
by Duncan Jones, 2009w/ Sam Rockwell
Il capodanno è una festa orribile, buttiam volentieri le cose dalla finestra, ma generalmente quando c'è tanta gente ubriaca e pronta a divertirsi [...]
30/12/2009 09:03:14
Be Maledetto Now!
Abisso del Passato 2(3tx CD, 30'45'' - Boring Machines 'o9)
As written yesterday, - here we back to the second chapter of Abisso del Passato: the two Giotto cousins freehand draw a perfect round circle (am i [...]
29/12/2009 15:17:30
See also:
White Silber - A Cold Slow Xmas(25tx, internet release, free download, 105 minutes, Silber rec, 'o9)
No sorry, it's not that kind of white Christmas which finds you singing along jingle bells and so on, - although, actually, that's the start point [...]
29/12/2009 13:35:30
Be Maledetto Now!
Abisso del Passato 1(3tx 7" vinyl, 32'27'' - Boring Machines 'o9)
Abisso del Passato 1 is the first part of a path in two chapters, whose the first on vinyl (or digital, free download), and the latter on CD. Marco [...]
28/12/2009 15:27:29
See also:
Saxon Shore
It Doesn’t Matter(10tx CD, 54'34'' - Broken Factory rec 'o9
Curiosando sulla rete ho scoperto che i Saxon Shore, nonostante la loro evidente attitudine strumentale, hanno un nutrito seguito di ascoltatori che [...]
21/12/2009 13:12:22
Vegetable G
Calvino(11tx CD, 32'o2'' - Olivia rec 'o9)
Vegetable G are an excellent surprise: without being slavish, their sound resembles early Blur playing with an Atari console, in a key of poetic pop [...]
15/12/2009 11:53:15
Annelies Monseré
Marit(12tx CD, 29'28'' - Auetic rec 'o9)
Writing a review about Annelies Monseré's Music is not that cup of tea for me.I mean, every time i listen to Her Music, and more properly during last [...]
08/12/2009 08:20:14
Quit Having Fun(13+11tx 2CDr, >2hrs - Boring Machines 'o9)
A tasty two disc compilation release, introduced with the artworks by Luca Dipierro and Rachel Bradley, a nifty deluxe gatefold cardboard [...]
07/12/2009 12:08:30
Ghost to Falco
Exotic Believers(9tx CD, 39'39'' - Cape and Chalice/ Infinitefront, 'o9)
The first track of this record is explosive. No swell, just a bomb exploding. Rancid cello notes, angry satured male vocals. Then it abruptly stops, [...]
01/12/2009 10:03:42
Giuseppe Culicchia
AmbarabàGarzanti, Gli Elefanti, 139pp | 8 euro, 2002
Continuo a leggere libri di Culicchia, e non posso che confermarmi suo sostenitore accanito. Scoperta dell'acqua calda, i know, - ma meglio tardi che [...]
30/11/2009 13:14:01
See also:
You a lie(11 + 1 hidden tx CD, 37'56'' - Madcap Collective / Fooltribe / Here I Stay, 'o9)
There are a cat and a mouse, very pissed off, on the new Comaneci's record front cover, You a Lie: - maybe they're pissed off about You, or about [...]
27/11/2009 19:36:29
Facial(10tx CD, 41'59'' - Humpty Dumpty rec 'o9)
Post-industrial vs psychedelic jazz core, schizoid and spiritual. Three piece band from Belgium, debut album, - a track such Der Morgen Kommt is like [...]
25/11/2009 15:24:26
Magnete(10tx CD, 38'57'' - Octopus rec 'o9)
Epileptic, power drumming and guitar, mostly instrumental, in two, - from Naples, Italy, all recorded in a direct session, - as i read -, i'd [...]
24/11/2009 16:43:27
As Good As Gone(7tx CD, 39'3o'' - Kranky rec 'o9)
Third record for Nudge, second release home-based @ Kranky, - it's groovy dubby bass lines, synths, treated guitars and electronics, alternating [...]
20/11/2009 08:57:19
Erik Ursich
3048(1tx CD, 3o'48'' - Farmacia 901 rec 'o9)
A psychotropic sensory sound score of 30 minutes and 48 seconds: You can't get wrong with that. Micro signals, bleeps, glitches, no vocals, - just a [...]
19/11/2009 09:31:38