Judy's Funeral
Four Track Extended Play(5tx EP - FYH rec 2013)
Think that paradoxal line of chaos connecting Jesus and Mary Chain to New Order, a scattered line of acid noise rock and bleeding [...]
20/05/2013 11:08:31
(8tx CD, 35'40'' - Shyrec 2013)
Debut record for this three piece from Treviso, - though, they are not novices, - hanging over fast drum machine beats (gorgeous work), harsh-fuzzing [...]
15/05/2013 15:02:31
See also:
The Thunderbeats
s/w(2tx 7'' vinyl - 2012 Groovie rec)
A Mosca ci sono stato tanto tempo fa. Erano i tempi della prima Perestrojka, a guardarmi indietro mi vengono i brividi; non solo per le temperature [...]
13/05/2013 11:21:31
Thee Bomb'o'nyrics
Into the wood 7''(2tx 7'' vinyl - Self-produced 2013)
Fino a qualche tempo fa ho sempre pensato che l’amicizia fra uomo e donna non fosse compatibile; ritenevo l’amicizia un po’ come la musica: una [...]
06/05/2013 09:42:13
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld
Still smiling(12tx, 54'' - Specula rec 2013)
Di recente ci eravamo imbattuti in Teho Teardo al concerto degli Swans a Roma. Se ricapitasse di incontrarlo andando a vedere dal vivo tutti gruppi [...]
02/05/2013 09:49:31
Travel Check
Wild tropic 7''(3tx vinyl 7 inch, Howlin Banana rec 2013)
Questa volta a riempire la mia cassetta delle lettere arriva un pacco direttamente dalla Francia. Dentro c’č Wild Tropics; sette pollici fresco di [...]
17/04/2013 09:51:30
See also:
Israel Martinez
The Minutes(10tx CD, 54'40'' - Aagoo rec 2013)
If you're having a good day, now wipe that stupid-ass smile off your face.Seventh recording of Israel Martínez, my first time, frankly. Mexican [...]
10/04/2013 14:50:30
(7tx CD, 36'' - In the Bottle, Marsiglia 2013)
In un suo racconto, Nabokov, tracciando l'immagine di uno scrittore intento a comporre seguendo l'ombra del calamaio sul proprio foglio mentre [...]
09/04/2013 15:21:30
See also:
Tennis(13tx CD, 26'' - Kythibong rec 2013)
Our three big guys Papaye are back with a brand new record, their second, precisely, freshly filled with splintered math rock, seriously [...]
08/04/2013 13:15:30
See also:
Shannon Wright
In film Sound(9tx CD, 35'50'' - Viscious Circle rec 2013)
I think we might consider a liaison with her 2004 record Over the Sun, starting from the very simple fact we find the same typefonts on the CD [...]
05/04/2013 10:43:30
See also:
Yann Novak
Blue.Hour(1tx CD, 21'' - Farmacia901 rec 2013)
Again, I have mixed feelings for drone music. But this piece, by LA-based sound-artist Yann Novak, is pretty classy. See-through packaging [...]
04/04/2013 12:02:53
Pat Pend
da Ussu Cussaville vol 1[4tx EP vinyl - P.S.A. Produzioni Serrina Alta rec 2012]
Alla mia personale “Invasione Monobanda” si aggiunge un altro nostrano One Man Band. Nello specifico si parla di Pat Pend che, dalla campagna umbra, [...]
25/03/2013 11:41:31
(6tx CD, Wounded Wolf Press rec 2013)
This Turkish folk duo from UK is probably my favorite discovery this year so far.Guitars, ukuleles, humming keys, glockenspiel, percussions, [...]
18/03/2013 11:25:30
Quiet Rooms(4tx CD, 48'10'' - Aagoo rec 2012)
I don't know, I have mixed feelings for people making drone Music. It's always a pleasant trip to jump into, to get some hypnosis and trascendental [...]
25/02/2013 12:25:28
Edible Woman
Nation(10tx CD/LP, 42'' - Santeria / Wild Love rec 2013)
Six months after the rage virus was inflicted on the population of Great Britain.. Edible Woman come out with new record, Nation, - three [...]
18/02/2013 16:59:28
My Bloody Valentine
M B V(9tx LP, 46'50'' - self-released 2013)
If You know me a little, You know how much I love My Bloody Valentine. This review should just say I bought my ticket for one of their gigs in [...]
06/02/2013 11:21:28
See also: