Arthur Russell
The Sleeping Bag Sessions(10tx – CD|LP, ca 60'00'' - Traffic Entertainment ‘o9)
Potrebbe apparire quanto mai velleitario ogni tentativo di circoscrivere l’opera eterogea di un artista fondamentale come Arthur Russell facendo [...]
11/04/2009 10:02:10
The Vickers
Keep Clear(12tx CD, 44'o9 - Foolica rec 'o9)
It's The Vickers' label debut album, - They are stuck into a sort of classic brit-pop rock world, clean and accessible, - not mainstream but never [...]
08/04/2009 17:11:00
Carol of Wonders ep(4tx CD - 14'o2'' Memory Men 'o9)
Carol of Wonders is Denise Galdo's label debut, - a young artist from southern italy, since several years accompanied by a trusted team of brillant [...]
07/04/2009 15:25:01
See also:
po(p)tential(5tx free internet release - self-prod. 'o9)
Twee pop, diy/bedroom recordings, shy pop melodies with two boys at vocals, - Adriano Elia and Paolo Marcellini, from southern italy, in Salerno, [...]
06/04/2009 16:08:02
Fantasies(10tx CD, 42'35'' - Last Gang / indiependent! rec 'o9)
It is even too easy to me renewing my love to Metric after years of listenings, - more frankly, i'm more properly kind of obsessed with Them. Not [...]
02/04/2009 09:59:03
Megalöklift(12tx CD - Vinyl, 24'11 - Holidays rec 'o9)
I'm going to review latest Afraid!'s release as a fan, more than as a.. fan-zine. And, first of all, the same old story: They're fucking amazing, no [...]
01/04/2009 11:20:34
Sara Lov
The Young Eyes(5tx EP, 19'o4'' - Nettwerk rec 'o9)
Second solo EP release for Sara Lov, amazing muse and singer of Devics. This little jewel ventures through the poetry of piano and sweet [...]
27/03/2009 16:48:09
See also:
Tim Hecker
An Imaginary Country(12tx CD, 48'10'' - Kranky rec 'o9)
The american dream, what's left of it? An notional autopsy would lead to lucid writers as Raymond Carver and John Cheever, - then, for [...]
27/03/2009 10:24:11
Amine(7tx CD, 31' - Canalese noise rec 'o8)
Keelhaul's 360 is a blasting piece of music. Even better than swearing underwater.One of those songs that You listen before getting a driving-licence [...]
26/03/2009 14:11:36
Dead Leaf Echo
Pale fire(6tx CD, 26'44'' - One with Wave Music 'o8)
Melodic shoegaze, slow alternative ballads rhythms, - chorus effects and echoed guitars patterns dear to Cocteau Twins, - then the melodious voice by [...]
24/03/2009 13:00:55
Double Jump Carpiato(8tx CD, 15'39'' - Valvolare / Bloody sound fucktory / Escape from today / Lemming rec 'o9)
Debutto su Valvolare records per i marchigiani Bhava. In questo viaggio senza meta, divorati dalla crisi di identità, portano con se una valigia che [...]
23/03/2009 15:20:18
Blessed Child Opera
Soldiers and faith(11tx CD, Seahorse / Fridge rec 'o8)
I Blessed Child Opera hanno un nome bellissimo. E' quasi religioso, nostalgico e imponente allo stesso tempo. Non sono sicurissimo di essere in [...]
20/03/2009 16:56:14
See also:
Infernal Heights For A Drama(8tx CD, 51'14'' - Still rec 'o9)
There's an everlasting feeling of desolation in this Music, - Spread, My Faint, No other man for all. It is like Jèrome Deuson, from [...]
19/03/2009 15:21:26
Night's Bright Colors
Fire Set Fire to the Stars(17tx internet release, 59'o7'' self-prod 'o8)
Excellent indie-pop, very intimate songcraft, whispered boy vocals, a shy sense of folk poetry (Change the Colors), - Night's Bright Colors [...]
11/03/2009 15:49:28
See also:
Les Fauves
N. A. L. T. 2 Liquid Modernity(11tx CD, 40'55'' - Urtovox 'o9)
Quirky and sharp as Why?, but with a different indietronic funky approach, - i dare You to find another Band such so brilliant in italy. Second [...]
06/03/2009 15:10:09
Vuoto (A work about cosmic vacuum)(5tx CDr, 50'30'' - Farmacia 901 rec 'o9)
Handmade sown satin-finished black packaging (charming execution), release limited to 100 numbered CDr's, Vuoto (A work about cosmic [...]
05/03/2009 10:57:25