Bobsleigh Baby
s/t(12tx CD/LP, 41'40'' - Jeetkune 2011)
Think of early Sonic Youth, add Velvet Underground, The Cramps, B52's, - now forget everything and say with me 'garage music'. Now forget garage [...]
15/03/2011 16:46:25
Luciano Maggiore and Francesco Fuzz Brasini
Chàsm' Achanès(1tx CD, 35'46'' - Boring Machines 2011)
Hard to say if you're in a sawmill or a wasps' nest, - for sure, it's a cradle of sounds drone-ing from the very beginning till the end, sinisterly [...]
10/03/2011 12:16:24
See also:
Hybrida - FREE MUSIC IMPULSE(33tx 2CD, 2hrs,18'58'' - Hybrida 2011)
Uh, look what we got here, a two-CD mixtape, and, wisely stuffed and tasty, too. An international recipe, going from garage noise music to post-punk, [...]
08/03/2011 08:15:25
Goatness(8tx CD, 30'48'' - Basement City, Wallace rec 2011)
A three-piece from 2003 until early 2010, now Agatha is a Bifrons-goatness with the faces of Pamela and Claudia, - kicking-in-your-face drums [...]
02/03/2011 09:12:29
Manuel Bienvenu
Bring me the head of(12tx, 62'36'' - Memory Lab 2007, 2010)
Oh oh oh, that's delicious indie pop, criminally invisible: 60s flavoured, tinted with bossa nova and vintage lounge melodies, jazzy tunes, plus [...]
26/02/2011 08:51:16
All Harm Ends Here(11tx, 43'57'' - Self-prod / A Buzz Supreme, 2011)
It's not Early Day Miners' homonym fourth record, but Ofeliadorme's first full-lenght album, released this month.If it's true Sometimes it's Better [...]
25/02/2011 13:09:28
Serge Gainsbourg
Gasogramma. Autobiografia iperastratta92 pp | 8 euro, ISBN ed, 2010
Dal sito della ISBN leggo "Isbn Edizioni, la casa editrice diretta da Massimo Coppola, pensa che esista una nuova generazione di lettori, la cui [...]
23/02/2011 12:26:28
See also:
(11tx CD, 34'11'' - Jeetkune rec 2011)
Two Bit Dezperados are particularly reveler this time.A friend of mine was showing me His copy of this disc on green vinyl, - pretty cool indeed, - I [...]
23/02/2011 08:50:28
See also:
Get it Over(2tx, 7'' vinyl - 2010 White Zoo rec)
Riuscire a cogliere la completezza di qualsiasi cosa con un semplice assaggio è cosa da palati fini... è come dare un giudizio su una cena dopo aver [...]
21/02/2011 14:44:26
Alessio Ballerini
Blanc(5tx, internet release, 17'36'' - Zymogen 2010)
Alessio Ballerini is one of those few brilliant italians (Fabio Orsi, Stefano Panzera, Claudio Rocchetti, Fabio Perletta, Attila Faravelli [...]
17/02/2011 11:55:28
Quarter Century(14tx CDr, 50'49'' - Barbie Noja rec 2010)
One more time: I think Carlo Barbagallo is criminally underrated. And still criminally unknown to most. Something I already wrote here and there on [...]
16/02/2011 14:42:28
SoloRumore # 2(4tx internet release, 56'18'' - Hysm? 2011)
Solorumore, translated, "justnoise" is noise for its own sake: one more time translated it means: "stop that noise" (the neighborhood) vs. [...]
14/02/2011 15:09:24
Sibylle Baier
Colour Green(14tx CD, 33'01'' - Orange Twin rec 2006)
Recorded in Germany in the 1970-1973, and originally shared mainly with family and friends, this little piece of gold has been brought to the CD [...]
11/02/2011 15:26:11
We'll be men once more(8tx CD, 36'02'' - Bloody Sound Fucktory 2011)
Luca Giommi, previously lead vocalist of Edible Woman, joins David Starr in a two-piece devoted to obsessive electro-sampling and beats.Differently [...]
08/02/2011 13:58:24
Block! Antonius Block!
The Tyranny of Small Decisions(6tx CD, Frohike rec 2011)
Marcel Proust ha speso tutta una vita dietro Alla ricerca del tempo perduto, la sua opera più immensa.I Block! Antonius Block!, giovanissimi, [...]
05/02/2011 09:32:18
s/t(7tx CD, 45'46'' - Boring Machines 2011)
Third release for Alessio Gastaldello's Mamuthones, - this time, supported by a full-band, featuring his long-time friend, and ex-bandmate in [...]
04/02/2011 15:28:24