The Shipwreck Bag Show
The Shipwreck Bag Show(3tx minicd, 17'48" - wallace rec 'o6)
Tre stanze sonore al margine del minimale per descrivere il naufragio del vascello in copertina: questa la materia dell'ultimo capitolo mail series [...]
23/10/2006 16:26:21
(5+4tx cd, 26'31" - Wallace rec + PhonoMetak Series 'o6)
Degli Zu se ne possono sentire solo lodi e pregi in giro. Mostri del free, un bassista obiquo (Massimo Pupillo) per le Sue apparizioni (senonché [...]
18/10/2006 14:20:38
Isobel Campbell
Milkwhite Sheets(13tx + 1 ghost, 45'21" - v2 rec 'o6)
Non passa troppo tempo dall'uscita del precedente Ballad of Broken Seas, e ancora di meno dall'ep gioiellino promozionale del tour stesso O Love is [...]
11/10/2006 11:54:12
Pony Up!
Make Love to the Judges with your Eyes(11tx cd, 47'13" - dimmack rec 'o6)
The reason why i listen to this Band? I only feel good why cant you believe... simple as it is (as Only Feelgood chorus sings): it is such a sincere [...]
10/10/2006 15:41:40
See also:
Annelies Monseré
Helder(12tx cd, 30'18" - blue sanct rec 'o5)
Listening to Annelies' Music is like walking straight to the self-isolationism. A choice of climax, a dimension of elegant, inmost minimalism, [...]
10/10/2006 14:58:08
Alex Gomez
Warm Sensations(10tx cd, 31'36" - self-prod. 'o6)
Alex Gomez is possessed by demons, demons of blues, that kind of voodoo blues, sordid and ill. In His own private case, here He's alone with the [...]
09/10/2006 14:02:58
Sorelle Kraus
Lunatic(5tx ep + video cd, 11'43" - 0'style rec 'o5)
Pure garage punk from ferrara, italy, 3/4 grrls and a drummer, - everyone from the local underground 90s indie scene (Dizzy Dolls, Impact, [...]
05/10/2006 15:42:48
I Am Legend(3tx ep, 9'55" - sleeping star rec 'o6)
Preview ep for the forth-coming full-lenght debut album produced by Generation X' Tony James, italian Band Montecristo, coming out from various [...]
05/10/2006 13:57:17
See also:
Four AM Eternal
Ambivalence(10tx cd, 40'27" - self-prod. 'o6)
Da palermo, i quattro suonano sulla riga decadente della new-wave anni 8o, forti di una buona sezione ritmica (spesso di memoria Bauhaus, senti [...]
03/10/2006 14:55:39
Un paio di sere fa sono andato al cinema a vedere Little Miss Sunshine, - tragicomico film on-the-road, anzi, on the pulmino wolkswagen,
un viaggio [...]
29/09/2006 18:31:22
My Dear Killer
Clinical Shyness(7tx cd, 33'22" - Madcap Collective / Eaten by Squirrels / Under My Bed / Boring Machines 'o6)
One man Band, Stefano Santabarbara's one: - listening to these tracks i have the image of a gloomy grey day, - everything went wrong, a pale day [...]
29/09/2006 11:14:50
(11tx cd, 29'57" - self-prod. 'o5)
Più o meno 4 anni fa mi ritrovavo in una scassata renault4 con Michelangelo, il bassista di That Noise From The Cellar che a me e al caro Vono [...]
22/09/2006 15:55:11
Jessica Bailiff
Feels Like Home(11tx cd, 31'33" - Kranky rec 'o6)
Jessica Bailiff's new album of harmonies takes a refreshing pastoral turn, after years of brilliant as well addictive experimental sound [...]
19/09/2006 13:12:18
The Windmill EP(4tx internet ep, 39'o3" - ericrock 'o6)
The Windmill is a free download four songs ep released under a creative commons license, - an internet release: that means You can download it, [...]
13/09/2006 16:37:32
Matthew Barney
Drawing Restraint 9
Mai sfracellatomi tanto le palle al cinema. Mai sfracellatomi tanto i gingilli con Bjork, che amo. Ma andare a vedere (lo scorso mese, solo ora mi [...]
23/08/2006 16:47:49
Robin Guthrie
Everlasting(4tx cd ep, 16'58" Rocket Girl rec 'o6)
This ep is a fountain of diaphanous glacial sounds, or better, as one of the four tracks titles, it's A Sigh Across the Ocean. The release features [...]
22/08/2006 15:13:30
See also: