Ka Mate Ka Ora
Entertainment in slow motion(10tx CD, 46'48'' - Deambula rec 2010)
Pure beauty. I mean, can I join your Band, guys? Frankly, what They're doing here is utterly cathartic. A friend of mine brought to my attention that [...]
09/11/2010 14:18:30
Lanurek 5.0 X 100(9tx+ 1 ghost track CD, 49'67'' - Farmacia 901 rec 2010)
Kaeba is Gianclaudio Hashem Moniri, Rome-based italian-persian sound architect, we might say. Glitch music is His impure key element for the nine [...]
04/11/2010 15:28:06
Nadine Khouri
A song to the city(5tx EP, 23'46'' - One flash rec 2010)
Nadine has got the right songs for the next time You feel sad and you decided You don't give a damn anymore about anything. The Arms Of Love, - it [...]
03/11/2010 15:05:18
Porcelain Raft
Collection of Porcelain(7tx digital download, 19'11'' - self-released 2010)
Unfortunately for us, common mortals, Sunny Day Sets Fire disbanded recently this year. Luckly for us, front-man Mauro Remiddi is still giving echo [...]
29/10/2010 15:20:29
(12tx CD, 36'51'' - Magnificent Music 2008)
I The Magnificent Brotherhood li ho scoperti durante la prima serata del Beat Explosion 2010... e devo dire che in quell’occasione mi hanno lasciato [...]
27/10/2010 12:56:30
Bman(18tx CD, 69'49'' - Monotreme rec 2010)
E' difficile recensire questo eterogeneo e prolisso nuovo album dei N.A.M.B..BMAN esce, in prima battuta a ottobre 2009 in Italia ed Europa e a [...]
23/10/2010 11:19:28
Beppe Grillo
Un grillo Mannaro a Londra(DVD, Durata: 75/80 min 2010)
In un certo senso sottoscriviamo le obiezioni di Lanier alla cultura del web sociale, intesa come Facebook, Twitter e Myspace. Quando l’autore, icona [...]
21/10/2010 15:52:22
Takka Takka
Migration(12tx CD, 39'22'' - Lili is Pi rec 2010)
Originally released in 2008 in USA by Ernest Jenning rec, and now again, last September by Luxembourg-based indie label Lili is Pi, Migration is [...]
21/10/2010 14:37:29
Leo Minor
December(4tx CD, 28'' - Face like a Frog 2010)
Scrivendo December i Leo Minor in parte si sono ispirati anche al grande Libro Tibetano dei morti. Immaginiamo che i nostri abbiano [...]
19/10/2010 11:34:22
The PepiBand
Panic(10 + 1 ghost tx CD, 59'35'' - Self-produced, 2010)
Twig Infection was one of those Bands I say criminally underrated.From Siracuse, Sicily, Italy, one EP and two beautiful full-lenght records, active [...]
18/10/2010 17:09:21
See also:
Pisces(5tx promo CD, 29'55'' - BlackRock rec 2010)
Advance promo release, a more official debut for Spjral, four piece from Naples, Italy, one-more time self-produced via Their own label [...]
14/10/2010 15:27:28
Lloyd Turner
Hints(12tx CD, 24'53'' - Face like a frog rec + Recommended rec 2010)
Sarà che non leggiamo abbastanza o che in quei passaggi Tiziano Scarpa è stato particolarmente ispirato, ma pensiamo che alcuni momenti di Le [...]
13/10/2010 14:37:29
All hope is blind(11tx vinyl 33rpm, self-produced 2009)
The only thing missing to my collection of Shalloboi records was some healthy vinyl hiss. And well, here it is, - All hope is blind is a transparent [...]
11/10/2010 18:00:25
Everybody loves you(10tx CD, 29'46'' - Black Nutria rec 2010)
La cartella stampa di Everybody loves you dei Soyuz ha profondamente avvilito la mia fiducia sullo stato di vitalità delle webzine [...]
07/10/2010 11:50:26
Carlo Feltrinelli
Senior Service431 pp | 8,50 euro, Feltrinelli 2007
Gli editori negli anni del biscione Pensiamo che nella sua pochezza e dalla posizione di assoluto privilegio di chi se la può permettere, la [...]
06/10/2010 11:29:06
Jungle Reaction(4tx EP - Upside down rec 2010)
Debut release last September, Telepathics are a Boy/Girl band mixing experimental noise lap-pop tunes and guitars with melodic contemporary chillout [...]
03/10/2010 10:08:57
See also: