His Electro Blue Voice
Fog/Das 7"(2tx 7inches, 8'11"- S-S rec 'o7)
Although from Como, northern italy, debut vynil Fog/Das is a release by californian indie S-S rec. - Primitive and wild post-punk, gothic rock, [...]
20/11/2007 12:02:03
See also:
Two(1otx cd, 42'24" - Saiko rec 'o7, european booking 5roses)
This release is truly an opus. I mean, the package is red-hot, printed on green cardboard, and Music is elegant and inspired. - Out as [...]
16/11/2007 13:39:21
Sol Seppy
The Bells of 1 2(12tx, 49'24" - Groenland rec 'o6)
Sophie Michalitsianos aka Sol Seppy was responsable last year for an amazing touching moving tearing-apart masterpiece record. I remember the first [...]
14/11/2007 15:52:01
See also:
(3tx cd, 31'o2 - Boring Machines 'o7)
Three songs, three long suites, to compose an abandoned soundscape trip along a night town where buildings are columns of smoke and jazz, - [...]
13/11/2007 17:37:55
See also:
Sharing Ghosts(1otx, 55'45" - Seahorse Recordings 'o7)
A debutto su Seahorse, registrati e mixati da Paolo Messere dei Blessed Child Opera, i Deny, da Avellino, sciorinano pezzi brillanti, volendo anche [...]
06/11/2007 11:45:42
Bowery Electric
Lushlife(1otx cd, 62'32" - beggars banquet 'o0)
There's no doubt that when Bowery Electric (nyc) started Their sound adventure in early 9o's deeply They were influenced by the blowing-up shoegaze [...]
31/10/2007 14:11:56
Album di Famiglia.
Raccolta di Figurine rosse di comunisti, anarchici e altri rivoluzionari, che bene o male, hanno cambiato il mondoAllegato a Il Manifesto, dal 12 ottobre 2007
L'entourage di eminenti scienziati politici dietro a tutte le campagne elettorali di Berlusconi è stato pagato miliardi di euro per poi limitarsi [...]
24/10/2007 17:19:09
Red State(1otx cd, 41'51" - Cardboard rec 'o7)
I Gowns sono Ezra Buchla (ex Mae-Shi) e Erika Anderson (ex Amps for Christ e The Mountain Goats). E il loro è un disco che inizia come se fosse un [...]
24/10/2007 09:46:23
L'âme sûre ruse mal(6tx cd, 3o'22" - Bolton Wonderland rec 'o6)
Ok, let's use them all: instrumental, mathematical, math-rock, free-jazz, avant-post-rock (and retro-front), cinematographic, angular, atmospheric, [...]
23/10/2007 15:40:11
Rites Of Uncovering(8tx, 47'45" - Thrill Jockey 'o7)
From Baltimore, USA, second album and debut on Thrill Jockey, - dragging sedated percussions, down-tuned guitars sometimes turning fuzzy and [...]
23/10/2007 08:58:44
299(#62, ed. Panini, 2.5o€)
Rat-Man 299 (#62, ed. Panini, 2.5o€) - Non sono un abituale lettore/fruitore di fumetti, - ma ogni volta che scrocco Rat-Man ad un amico [lo so, [...]
22/10/2007 14:19:20
Jennifer Gentle
Daytrotter Session(4tx, internet free release, Daytrotter 'o7)
An amazing 4 songs session taped for Daytrotter.com during their last US tour, - high quality recordings, excellent impressive performance, - [...]
18/10/2007 12:28:56
See also:
CobaltBlueLight(4tx ep, 13'58" - Pale Blue rec 'o7)
Brand new single CD for London based Artist Mayumi [read past komareview], four new songs (personally it's years i'm waiting for a [...]
18/10/2007 11:57:35
See also:
Can't Find(8tx cd, 44'52" - Peteran rec 'o7)
I'm new to Bandage, from Novara, northern italy, - while i just come from reading They're making Music since a decade, - blame on me, - btw now [...]
15/10/2007 17:26:16
See also:
Grass Geysers... Carbon Clouds(12tx cd, 35'53" - touch&go 'o7)
mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror… Opening track Mirror On You is a [...]
15/10/2007 11:22:59
Io Non Sono Come Te(6tx cd, 2o'46" - La Tempesta Dischi 'o7)
"Ma quando mi compri sai che poi non mi mangi [..] E' come dire ad un cristo sanguina meno [..] / come pulirsi il culo con foglie di ortiche / cosa [...]
12/10/2007 13:49:38