Philippe Petit
Extraordinary Tales Of A Lemon Girl - Chapter I: Oneiric Rings On Grey Velvet(8tx CD, 44'34'' - Aagoo rec 2012)
Philippe Petit is 360° on his new record: he composed, played, edited, mixed, mastered, maybe also dreamt it. Chapter 1 of a trilogy, from hand to [...]
02/02/2012 16:56:29
Voyage(8tx CD, 68'17'' - Hibernate rec 2012)
This is a kind of instant review, because it's just a few days I have got this record to listen. But it is like when you randomly meet someone [...]
01/02/2012 11:31:29
Immaginarie linee matematiche tra cielo e terra(5tx CD, 18'' - Kill Rock Whores rec 2012)
Nella morale sociale, Benoìt Malon sosteneva che la saggezza suprema nel nostro tempo consiste nel riuscire a pensare da pessimisti e ad agire da [...]
31/01/2012 14:57:31
Port of Souls
...The Life and the Damage Done(3tx 7'' vinyl, Bad Man rec 2011)
Le piccole azioni a volte possono generare dei grandi movimenti; in questo caso un piccolo disco può suscitare grande emozioni. Si sta parlando di [...]
30/01/2012 17:49:23
In A Dim Light(10tx CD, Monotreme rec 2012)
The heart is a radiant Sun of sensuality here: think Bat for Lashes, The Artificial Sea and Bjork's passion for 8bit breakbeat, blended with a [...]
23/01/2012 14:19:31
Astolfo sulla Luna
Moti Browniani ep(5tx, 22 min, autoprodotto)
Ammettiamo che quando ci contattano i gruppi che cantano in italiano per mandarci del materiale assumiamo un pò la postura di quando facciam [...]
14/01/2012 00:05:31
Brothers in Law
Gray Days(3tx 7'' - We Were Never Being Boring; CF-records; MattaLab)
We Were Never Being Boring can't go wrong with releasing this new 7'', debut record for Brothers In Law: a sip of The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, [...]
13/01/2012 10:04:27
See also:
Mattia Coletti
The Land(8tx CD, 38'39'' - Wallace / Bloody Sound Fucktory / TownTone rec 2012)
Mattia Coletti is not a newbie in Making Music. Long CV, several times reviewed here on komakino. Now the disc. A new solo collection of recordings. [...]
12/01/2012 15:30:31
W. W. Lowman
Kumquat May(8tx CD, 43'56'' - Atavistic rec 2011)
Second release for Lowman, from Chicago, USA: it smokes like progressive and jazz music, processed with math-rock dogma (Bourge, Some Song That Is), [...]
04/01/2012 11:38:31
M + A
Things.Yes(10tx CD, 42'05'' - Monotreme rec 2011)
Michele Ducci and Alessandro degli Angioli, aka M + A, told me some months ago they were dealing with Monotreme to re-release their second amazing [...]
03/01/2012 13:55:17
Herbal Research
Sound Non Sound(8tx K7/mp3 - Upside Down rec 2011)
Suicide release on cassette, limited to 50 copies, gold for collectors, Herbal Research is Cristiano Carosi's solo project (Sea Dweller, [...]
02/01/2012 12:10:31
Thee Marvin Gays
s/t[10tx LP, Frantic City, Love Mazout]
A differenza di quello che si può leggere in giro io credo che i social network abbiano ancora quella funzione di abbattere le barriere culturali e [...]
27/12/2011 19:14:31
See also:
Julia Ensemble
s/t(9tx CD, 31'03'' - Altrove rec 2011)
From Cagliari, Sardinia, a post-rock orchestra with a three piece core, which doses digressive narrative and soundscape improvvisation, here with a [...]
16/12/2011 08:38:31
(9tx CD, 43'59'' - Hysm? rec 2011)
Stefano Spataro (Solquest, Ada Nuki) and Piero Prudenzano (Clov) improvise and then refine primary soundscapes of unorthodox digressive shape, [...]
04/12/2011 18:20:31
Wildmen(2tx 7'' vinyl - Jungle Beat rec 2011)
Roma è una città strana; una città in cui le cose migliori sono troppo spesso sotterrate da una massiccia coltre di cazzate, o da quella strana [...]
23/11/2011 00:02:41
by William EubankOf memories and isolations.
It is a movie about isolation and connections. Human connections. And an astronaut. A travel through time and space. A movie about The End. If you're [...]
22/11/2011 15:34:30