Nadav Kander
Yangtze long river, Chernobil half life.
There's something majestic in Kander's photography: taking pictures of Artic Circle or Chernobil uninabithable surroundings, as well portraits and [...]
29/01/2009 12:21:39
The Urf
I will never for get you, .. (your name please?)
28/01/2009 13:24:27
Sara Lov
The Young Eyes EP released, and Her first video
Sara Lov is for sure one of my favorite female singers, previously with Devics, now as solo, - and She's just into the middle of releasing Her second [...]
28/01/2009 10:38:57
See also:
Well, that's science fiction, - funny, anyway. / More info about this brilliant advertising here. [...]
27/01/2009 12:06:10
Mi sono arrivate due tre email di amici e nemici che mi invitavano a firmare questa petizione online per suggerire ai locali capitolini di far [...]
27/01/2009 11:55:18
27/01/2009 10:48:08
Floppy invader
softwear.. by microsoft?
hmmm ho giusto buttato al secchio qlc giorno fa un mucchietto di floppy disk.. a ripensarci.. - La Microsoft si dà alla moda, - "[..] a [...]
26/01/2009 09:55:12
Looks like these guys have got lots of fun in playing covers.. sort of cathartic feeling.. When we were Younger is excellent too. [...]
23/01/2009 09:26:44
As said before.. just for the record(s)..
Oh well, looks like out there it's full of people having fun in taking pictures of their vinyls giving new bizzarre life to their artwork.. [...]
19/01/2009 14:33:19
See also:
David J. Hanus
Pictures about fuckingnot exactly
I knew that soon or later i would have seen a snapshot like that: excellent b/w execution by mr Hanus (uh? why are You laughing now?), - all from His [...]
19/01/2009 13:57:43
by Siggi Eggertsson
"I did this poster for the "Now Showing" exhibition. Lots of great designers and image makers were asked to recreate old movie posters and I for [...]
19/01/2009 09:32:11
Not found
as subject
Notfound was notfounded in 1996 when after several beers at the Cedar Tavern it seemed like a funny idea to register a domain named for a commonplace irritant among webmonkeys of the time. [...]
18/01/2009 18:47:57
Star Wars
18/01/2009 18:23:29