Let me
share with You a few links i collected today.. this is for the
weekend.. no time now to comment these random (as well brilliant)
founds.. [...]
14/07/2006 17:33:00
Internet Archive
non-profit website offering permanent access to historical collections in digital format
Again, i find myself eulogizing Internet Archive (see past threads here, here), non-profit website offering permanent access to historical [...]
14/07/2006 09:55:11
David Hasselhoff
jump in my car
Hasselhoff is pure trash music.
The King. Una chicca imperdibile, specie il finale. C'č tutto. I don't
know if he's ironic or if he believes in [...]
13/07/2006 17:50:43
See also:
amazing online magazine
i feel totally astonished, i feel like shit, i feel totally enraptured as i browse through Webesteem's contents: totally inside Art (contemporary and [...]
13/07/2006 15:45:45
See also:
amazing, again
13/07/2006 10:24:26
The Sound of Indie
Blonde Redhead + Swirlies
- The Sound of Indie blog captures one more time my plause, for these two tracks: Jeremy Parker, live performance by beloved Swirlies, and the [...]
12/07/2006 17:40:28
See also:
What's funnier? The random goth lyric generator, or the goth and black metal random generator? ok, there is a emo one too. And i remember of a [...]
11/07/2006 17:16:52
great found!
Anyway, the today nice found is The Sound of Indie, which features a great collection of videos, oldies (like Bauhaus, as well one - amazing - [...]
11/07/2006 10:27:33
See also:
Lomo calls home
I'm a Lomo fan. I proudly have a LCA and one Holga. Now, my bittersweet Half passed me a link to this fantastic retrņ usb phone, Hulger,
able to be [...]
10/07/2006 14:10:06
Squillano le trombe. Non sono quelle dell'apocalisse, e nemmeno quelle di corte. - Sono quelle di tutti gli italiani. E io sono italiEno. No, [...]
09/07/2006 19:57:29
Cabaret Mechanical Theatre
by Carlos Zapata
Cabaret Mechanical Theatre is now featuring the brilliant work of columbian artist Carlos Zapata, - author of surprising poetic automata pieces, [...]
09/07/2006 09:17:52
This is the weirdest short movie i seen since ages.. - i really didn't expect that.. do You wanna see my bug? Beware of blind dates. - In Sex. ... creepy.
07/07/2006 10:40:34
Rozi Demant
dreams and blooming seasons
Long legs cabaret/circus girls painted by Rozi Demant
are between dreams and blooming seasons, with a special decadent magic
accent - and vomiting [...]
05/07/2006 15:04:37
Mr T
One last video for today, - and that's so 80s and kitschy: Mister T breakdancing.
- just joking, he's just watching. - Did You know that "T" stands [...]
05/07/2006 14:40:52
Ok, this advert
is not exactly that original, although the photography is funny (even if the
cut&paste of subject with the background is not [...]
05/07/2006 14:24:20
The Gentle Waves
Falling from Grace - youtube
Falling from Grace is a fantastic piece of Music by The Gentle Waves, that is, former Isobel Campbell
project, before She chosen to use Her own [...]
05/07/2006 12:46:16