05/12/2007 12:05:14
A Hack and A Hacksaw
@ blogothèque, walking through Paris
Shot in November, in Paris, these three videos see amazing A Hawk and a Hacksaw walking and playing Music through la ville,
and soon, like in a [...]
03/12/2007 12:05:45
Novemebr 2007
'no mortal man has yet suceeded / in climbing the big glass
mountain / "I know," said the drummer boy / "but my heart is stout and
determined / and [...]
03/12/2007 10:54:14
Hannes Broecker
Wine, please, no Art.
'By the end of the event, the art, itself, ran dry, and empty
drinking glasses were returned to where they were originally placed.' Coloured drunken [...]
30/11/2007 16:44:27
- 'Guarda questo sito dailylit.com
è figo, scegli un libro e imposti la frequenza e ti mandano delle mail
con dei pezzetti da leggere. Quasi tutti [...]
29/11/2007 10:25:09
Impaled Northern Moonforest
on your knees.
'Impaled Northern Moonforest
is the "brainchild" of former Anal Cunt members Josh Martin and Seth
Putnam. At three o'clock one frostbitten morning [...]
28/11/2007 11:28:42
The Interactive Storefront is an interesting as well innovative experiment, - here making an opening for Elle bellona MacPherson Intimates: [...]
28/11/2007 10:49:43
27/11/2007 17:09:48
Robotradio è una indie label moved by passion, - l'ultima volta qui recensita nel 2oo4 (tempus fugit!!) con l'ottimo split Redworms' Farm / Paper [...]
27/11/2007 11:04:50
Ohmmerda.. one of best Art-things i saw in last times.. at each look, i can't stop from finding some new details in this picture.. [...]
21/11/2007 14:00:45
My Bloody Valentine
Sold Out, in about 2 hours
.. forgot to say i have 7 tickets for Glasgow to sell.. oops.. / Mi è successo di prendere 7 biglietti in +... ops.. [...]
16/11/2007 11:25:59
See also:
David Bowie
è un pallone gonfiato
David Bowie è un pallone gonfiato. Anzi, un pallone gonfiato è David Bowie. - This and more amenities, by talented photographer Paul Graves. [...]
14/11/2007 15:46:26
Asobi Seksu
Red Sea - feat. Sea Dweller
Asobi Seksu, performing Red Sea's final crescendo, together with Sea Dweller @ zoobar, roma, 11th novembre 2007.. yes, i had fun! [-> youtube] [...]
14/11/2007 10:09:56