The Knockoff Project
album cover spoofs, goofs, tributes, - more
The Knockoff Project has as purpose to collect all famous album cover spoofs, goofs, tributes, send ups, near misses and coincedences. What a great [...]
25/10/2006 11:38:44
Sesame Street
revisited by Martin Scorsese
At first sight i thought it was a joke, - a sort of parody: i mean, if You ever heard Bert saying you fucked my wife, i guess You'd think there's [...]
25/10/2006 10:50:36
See also:
Album cover art war,
absolutely fantastic as well brilliant.. enjoy its taste for splatter
and music citations; i love the part where everybody is [...]
24/10/2006 17:38:20
Chris Shepherd
Who i am and what i want
- It happened that on (aka italian mtv2) i watched Dad's Dead a
couple of times: completly disturbed, weirded out and fascinating at
the [...]
23/10/2006 18:31:44
Ra & Ro
- Ra & Ro,
nice idea. But i think You're sweeeeeeeting more as pigs than as pinky
bunnies.. anyway, fantastic. rocknroll. More fluffy pink [...]
23/10/2006 17:04:51
banned in USA
in february i was in sydney, amazing town; the only thing i rememer with terror was when i tasted vegemite, i still have the creeps.. only australin [...]
23/10/2006 15:34:50
Jim Henson
Over Timeby Oury Atlan, Thibaut Berland, Damien Ferrie
yes, in case You didn't notice yet, i am kind of obsessed with The Muppets, how couldn't i? anyway, at youtube there's a lovely as sweet 3d animation [...]
23/10/2006 13:16:22
See also:
Campaign for real Beauty
by Dove
beauty is fake. Or at least, most of the beauty stereotypes You can see around over magazines, advs, commercials, etc. Entitled Campaign for real [...]
23/10/2006 10:58:00
19/10/2006 15:25:34
Thanks to ilabiblio for this fantastic i-love-books found: The Bookman, - oops, the incredible Bookman: from london, it's just 1200£ far from my [...]
19/10/2006 10:02:23
for photoshop-addicts
What's cool with Collabor8?
It's a call to photoshop-addicts and related, - You start a chain, or
simply add to a chain Your reworked version of an [...]
18/10/2006 13:52:55
Margi Geerlinks
digitally manipulated
Margi Geerlinks has got a provocative portfolio of digitally manipulated images, often mixing cynism and modern, as well giving a new different [...]
18/10/2006 13:32:34
Cookie Monster
C is for Cookie
what starts with the letter "C"? "Cookie" starts with "C"! Let's think
of other things that starts with "C"! Uh. . .Uh. . . Who cares about [...]
11/10/2006 18:25:44
Loves You
Se Vi dicessi che esiste un sito a titolo, immagino comincereste a storcere il naso, sul tipo 'chebballe, un'altra tariffa [...]
11/10/2006 17:50:34
The Death of a President
it's a drama movie
- The Death of a President
looks to the future with hope: just joking. Anyway, i guess Bush won't
have too much fun watching this film about his [...]
11/10/2006 16:02:21
minifig famous people
11/10/2006 11:44:32