The Melvins
Going BlindOf Gene Simmons, Kiss and Taekwondo
Okay, this is a story. A story about a tribute compilation for Kiss, where Dinosaur Jr were chosen instead of The Melvins, performing the same song, [...]
11/04/2022 17:49:15
My Bloody Valentine
February 14th, a MBV guide to
Every Valentine's day I dream of most of these verses.. so, here's a short list of those songs by My Bloody Valentine which perfectly fit [...]
14/02/2022 09:38:08
See also:
Famous Writers’ Sleep Habits
vs. Literary Productivity
30/01/2022 16:33:40
Joy Division
live at Manchester Apollo(First Show - 27 October 1979)
Let's time travel to 1979, videotaped by Bob Jones and Richard Boon, - endless thanks - and here remastered by Brian Hyphen.Full backstory and [...]
27/10/2021 10:12:29
Sheena is a punk rockerCartoon vid by Stelos485
Brilliant work indeed by cartoon animation and illustration artist Neil William, aka Stelos485 for Ramones' epic piece Sheena is punk [...]
22/09/2021 10:06:20
Dan Peters
happy birthdayGang of Four, Solid Gold
Dan Peters, born today August 18th, 1967, happy birthday, music pal: better known as Mudhoney's great drummer, and no less, as the original drummer [...]
18/08/2021 16:37:02
Stuff by Mark
Every song off The La's album as an old film posterexcellent, fabulously kinetic
From Farnborough, United Kingdom, Mark, aka StuffByMarkUK rethinks every song off The La's album as an old film poster, through a Saul [...]
11/08/2021 10:42:36
Men I Trust
Tiny Desk (home) concertStripped down melody tenderness
Frankly I can't say how you can't not love, or at least even not barely enjoy this Band. Men I Trust have that tiny/gigantic shining thing which [...]
04/08/2021 10:41:01
Dario Argento
Intervista a casa diStefania Casini intervista Dario e Asia Argento
"A me non mi piacciono le case di quei miei colleghi registi o gente del cinema con tutti quei mobiletti, con tutte quelle cosine messe a posto, quei [...]
17/07/2021 15:36:08
Field of Vision
We Were There to Be There'Those guys look like they come out of the T Unit'
"One patient went over to the superintendent and said, 'Those guys look like they come out of the T Unit'.The T Unit [..] is where they keep the [...]
16/07/2021 12:25:52
10 Things I Learned: PersonaCriterion
"What happens when the one who dreamt us wakes up and feels ashamed?""Elisabet ligger på en säng. Alma ber henne att säga ett enda ord, "ingenting". Elisabet svarar "Ingenting"." [via] [...]
24/06/2021 12:22:27
Republican calendar
Everyday, your dayToday is tridi 23 Prairial
"Today is tridi 23 Prairial in the year of the Republic CCXXIX, celebrating honeysuckle."@sansculotides on Twitter shares each day the original [...]
11/06/2021 11:05:59
Sonic Youth
Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui (April 12, 2003)with drummer/percussionist Tim Barnes
Frankly, an inspirational performance indeed."Filmed April 12, 2003 at a benefit concert held at and for The Anthology Film Archives, the [...]
04/06/2021 17:59:27
See also:
Interview on PleaseKillMeAbout Improvised Munitions.
Dario Argento's Tenebrae's "theatrical distribution in the United States was delayed until 1984 when it was released in a heavily censored version [...]
12/05/2021 11:53:58
Disfunzioni Musicali
Piu' di un semplice negozio di dischi a Romaintervista memoriale di RadioDario Berlin-Rome
Nostalgia.Non c'è altro termine che racchiuda il sentimento e l'emozione della caterva ricordi che mi assalgono guardando questo memoriale a cura [...]
11/03/2021 10:15:56
Wendy Carlos
1970: Music Now: Moog Synthesizer
"There is no magic button marked trumpet or violin or drums - you have to build every sound." - Wendy Carlos.Check also: [...]
09/02/2021 13:23:11