Play Lista
gnugno 2006
june never been easy, even if with the help of::
:. shannon wright - perishable goods
:.:. mi and l'au - mi and l'au
:.:.:. ramones - [...]
01/07/2006 16:19:29
Rabbit hill
by Gelitin
internet found: it seems that since one year, in north eastern italy,
in Artesina, a giant pink rabbit lays over a mountain.. kind [...]
30/06/2006 18:05:26
the Milko Muscle Machine
moooooo your muscles
feel i'm getting older, my back hurts, i'm kind of lazy, and i have
difficulties to sleep at night. Anyway, everyone should make some [...]
30/06/2006 12:45:30
live bootlegs
Rbally is not new to fantastic live bootlegs. - One more time is the turn for Sonic Youth, - how can You resist to Their parisian gig? - There is [...]
28/06/2006 14:51:54
Drink to me
new demos online
Drink to Me posted at myspace three new demos for the forth-coming album. - I love Get It. - read komareview and past interview (in ita) here.
28/06/2006 13:17:05
Ok, a me personalmente ligabue fa cagare (de gustibus?),
e anzi, vorrei compilare un file che testimonia/documenti che lui la
chitarra non la suona [...]
27/06/2006 13:40:30
Chaplin in troubles
by Labouille & Turquety
couple of (late) nights ago i was watching tv, and - how strange -
something worthy a view was on a commercial channel: it was this
animation [...]
27/06/2006 13:28:43
Billy Childish
Billy Childish is currently a genius. In Music and in painting. Notwistanding His red-on-black myspace page is totally un-readble, the four tracks [...]
23/06/2006 18:34:15
currently reading
- Reclut
is currently one of my favorite internet-readings about discovering
artistic founds and design novelties, - without being [...]
23/06/2006 17:58:56
See also:
This is quiet interesting,
as well innovative: an interactive advertisement, projected over the
floor, with catching special effects, like [...]
19/06/2006 17:41:45
Well, personally i don't know what's stranger, if this real picture, or this fitctional one. -
is in russian, so i have no a proper [...]
18/06/2006 17:59:19
The Little Girl Giant
in London
And this little giant girl video, coming out from Horseguards Parade in London, May 7th, made my day. Dreamy and full of positive feelings. - Here You can find a detailed picture gallery. [...]
18/06/2006 15:14:50
See also:
El Despertar
by Katy Towell
A great new noir story from Katy Towell [read past komanews], entitled El Despertar, - in a special mixture of zombies, flamenco and The Pied Piper [...]
18/06/2006 15:01:58
Tape sculptures
making of
Fantastic, i found the page with the "making of" the tape sculptures, step by step. I long to do myself one.
16/06/2006 15:04:09
Mark Jenkins
something strange around something normal
Mark Jenkins is a strange dude, creating strange sculptures or street installations taken out from the daily living in towns. - Like the Meterpops [...]
16/06/2006 14:37:59