Alice In Wonderland
1903, 1910, 1915 original moviesFirst film adaptations
"Once lost, this eight minute, very damaged, but very delightful silent version of Alice in Wonderland was restored several years ago by the British [...]
01/06/2017 13:58:58
Raw Art Fanzine
Ora disponibile su ISSUU6 numeri dal 1996 al 2000
Ai tempi andati.. quando avere un modem a 56k voleva dire che viaggiava a 33/49.2k.. quando si spendevano 300 euro al mese per avere un abbonamento [...]
31/05/2017 11:49:33
Philip Glass, Godfrey ReggioTrilogia Qatsi
Qatsi bitter. A superlative, brainiac, visionary soundtrack. What is society? Civilization?"Koyaanisqatsi (English pronunciation: [...]
19/05/2017 17:02:58
Ian Curtis
John Peel announcing the death ofr.i.p.
John Peel announcing the death of Ian Curtis and playing New Dawn Fades by Joy Division on his show on BBC Radio 1 on 19 May 1980. [image found on [...]
18/05/2017 06:35:04
The Hindenburg Disaster
real footage 1937Joseph Späh witness, and National Geographic special
The tragedy, dated today, 1937. "Despite the sheer ferocity of the colossal fire, many of the crew members and passengers survived, but the [...]
06/05/2017 06:42:27
Mezcal Headvinyl reissue
"Mezcal (or mescal) is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from any type of agave plant native to Mexico". But, for the alternative niche, Mezcal is [...]
05/05/2017 06:06:27
The Jesus And Mary Chain
Mood Riderofficial video
I think Damage And Joy is an amazing record indeed. Not a wrong single. Maybe one of their best records so far, isn't it? Full respect to Reid [...]
02/05/2017 17:37:27
Friends of Alice Ivy
The Last Days of Fenwyck(6tx CD - self-produced, 2017)
New record release for Friends of Alice Ivy, The Last Days of Fenwyck, almost three years later The Golden Cage And Its Mirrored [...]
02/05/2017 09:48:34
Morning songs
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayAnd Sunday, of course.
Monday mornings are hard to handle. Each morning for each day needs a proper song. Here we go then.Let's start with this B-side for 45rpm release [...]
01/05/2017 06:06:06
Felix Colgrave
Double King
Trippy, sick, psychedelic and full of intrigue and even poetry: something is rotten in the state of Youtube. By Felix Colgrave, "A film about [...]
27/04/2017 15:26:10
Edoardo Flores
Do Not DisturbCollector DND Signs
"My name is Edoardo Flores, I'm a retired international civil servant from Italy who has traveled extensively for many years. I started this [...]
27/04/2017 14:25:17
Six Feet Tall
A Fun That Never Setsofficial video
Their s/t release, out last year, was pure oxygen to me. Now, finally, an official video for A fun that never sets. Enjoy, and then, listen to the [...]
27/04/2017 11:38:05
Jefferson Airplane
Crown of CreationEducational listen
"You are the crown of creationAnd you've got no place to go"Wiki info here. [...]
26/04/2017 10:32:02
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band
Fuck Off Get Free (For The Island of Montreal)Currently oxygened by
More info, @ Discogs [...]
24/04/2017 14:48:16
Kurt Cobain
r.i.p.TG Video Music 8 aprile 1994
I was nearly ready to go school that morning, I was at the kitchen table, finishing my breakfast, when my sister steps in and says to me: 'I want you [...]
05/04/2017 13:40:13
Sugar for the PillNew record pre-ordered.
"It’s poppier than I thought it was going to be,” notes Halstead, "But the new record still has a toe in that Pygmalion sound." - Simon Scott. [...]
04/04/2017 11:58:33
See also: