Punti di vistaMondi (e falsi) paralleli
Mi ricordo che in prima media, la nostra insegnante di italiano, donna illuminata, ogni tanto ci sciorivana un po' di educazione civica, e un giorno [...]
14/10/2011 15:31:15
The R's
hitting USA
We have a talented band down here. And now it's finally getting over there too, to USA. It's R's, don't miss their shows.Oct 20 [...]
14/10/2011 14:34:18
See also:
Sound collage generated from a YouTube searchDontsave.com
Dontsave.com features a tasty collection of internet experiments, and I fell with both feet into this youtube-thing: you search a music genre, and it [...]
13/10/2011 18:07:37
Pisa book festival
Non per lamentarmi21-23 ottobre 2011, Palazzo dei Congressi, Staz. Leopolda
Non per lamentarmi come al solito, ma anche io ho amici scrittori. Egocentrici, narcisisti, petulanti, arrivisti,e che altro; per non parlare dei [...]
13/10/2011 11:38:23
Aldo Lanzini
Only Aliensand other pretty, quirky, felt-made things
Only Aliens is a felt made collections of Aliens, by Aldo Lanzini. And probably his granma would be proud of his art of crochet.Bizzarre, folle, [...]
12/10/2011 17:54:15
The Telescopes
Stasera a Romaand Live footage from Ferrara, Zuni, 2011
Non dovrei dirvelo, perchè stasera preferirei starci da solo sotto il palco per i Telescopes, qui a Roma, al circolo degli artisti (ingresso a [...]
12/10/2011 17:21:28
Mr Wiggles
Game where I make hamburgersWhy?
Exactly, folks, I don't really get it, .. Work makes one free.. Work makes freedom, actually, this is a good excuse to post a song by Distorted Pony. [...]
12/10/2011 16:39:39
See also:
Signs with BLVD Records, Preps for ''Electric Prisms'' EP release
I always experience a renewed sense of wonder every time I listen to one of Mahogany's tracks. Now, I can't wait to hear their new EP, soon on the [...]
10/10/2011 12:18:11
The Color of Noise
the story of Amphetamine Reptile recordsAmRep
Okay, if tonight you're planning to watch the Creation records documentary, - tomorrow night is the night for Amphetamine Reptile's one: The Color of [...]
07/10/2011 14:52:11
The Jesus and Mary Chain
JAMC inspirations & Influences - Jim Reid 1985 mixDuring the year of Psychocandy
"Asked to compile a mix of music that reflected the records The Jesus And Mary Chain were listening to in the early days, frontman Jim Reid sent us [...]
07/10/2011 11:37:37
Portici di Carta
8-9 ottobre 2011, TorinoUn giorno di questi me lo rileggo
E così c’è questa ragazza del politecnico che hai conosciuto a una festa. Bravo te. Ti annoiavi, la musica non ti piaceva, non conoscevi nessuno e te [...]
05/10/2011 14:03:17
Treesofficial video
New vid for Thrushes, - Trees, track originally from Night Falls, released last year.Nice story, nice girls (carrying the Birdnote's flag!), great song, Lynch-ian ending. [...]
30/09/2011 13:52:09
Endless, nameless (and destruction)Live at the Paramount 1991, Oct 31
[..] a hidden track called "Endless, Nameless" intended to appear at the end of "Something in the Way", was accidentally left off initial pressings [...]
29/09/2011 16:56:02
Charles Douglass
The Laff BoxLaugh track
"A laugh track (a.k.a. canned laughter, laughter track, fake laughter) is a separate soundtrack invented by Charles "Charley" Douglass, with the [...]
28/09/2011 15:36:18