Vanna Bowles
ouch(Untitled drawing with relief 110 x 80 cm 2007)
Vanna Bowles is an interesting visionary Artist.. her drawings, in particular, are funny and crazy at the same time, so odd and creative, - sort of [...]
14/04/2009 20:43:16
Gli sciacalli dell'informazione
Personalmente non ho seguito Annozero, intendo la puntata incriminata la scorsa sera a gran voce dal 90% dei media, con Santoro & Co. messi alla [...]
14/04/2009 12:32:29
Blow Up
poster remake by Tomer Hanuka
Graphic designer Tomer Hanuka's portfolio is a source of inspiration and creatvity: his remake of the poster of Antonioni's opus, from "Now Showing - [...]
14/04/2009 11:35:12
Joy Division
Unknown pleasures
14/04/2009 11:15:50
Stage dumps
This blog collects a bunch of pictures of rockstars' faces/expressions while performing on stage, - under the more bizzarre point of view possible: [...]
13/04/2009 13:02:25
Continua un silenzio assurdo a perpetuarsi e a tacere ogni cosa, perché ogni cosa resti cosa, e null’altro da zittire. Impossibile affidarsi al [...]
13/04/2009 01:49:15
Condoms are bad?
J doesn't think soone more stop/motion fight
related: Pope rejects condoms for Africa, Pope: Condoms not the answer in AIDS fight [...]
09/04/2009 17:30:53
Kurt Cobain
rip"Kind of Business or Industry: Punk Rock."
La mattina del 9 aprile 1994 stavo facendo colazione e mi preparavo per andare a scuola. Entra in cucina mia sorella e scura in viso mi fa 'è meglio [...]
09/04/2009 10:58:32
"From the bathroom chalkboard wall at the 37signals/Coudal Partners office"
I suck at drawing, and as i remember i'm kind of allergic to chalk, - but that's nice, and it is interesting how important / meaning records are [...]
09/04/2009 10:47:23
by Not Tom
Now and then i'm tempted of re-selling all my books, because i have nearly no more room in my house.. now, maybe i found a little trick to come out with that.. [...]
08/04/2009 13:49:54
Paul Chan
Oh why so serious?
via The Renaissance Socitety at the University of Chicago, from Paul Chan's My laws are my whores exhibit. [...]
06/04/2009 17:51:05
Quando la Natura si fa inequivocabilmente manifesta agli occhi di tutti come con la tragedia sismica di oggi, torna palese l'idea soffocata dalla [...]
06/04/2009 11:37:56
so how do i get her courage?
More: _Everyone’s got a soft spot for lego…__Vader later regretted not getting the wolfman mask___Han’s best friend - was he toilet trained?____I [...]
04/04/2009 08:44:39
Kenji Yanobe
Tanking MachineJust in case You thought a post-nuclear life would be worth living..
"The tank is filled with a physiological solution of sodium chloride that is heated to approximately body temperature where one floats in a state [...]
03/04/2009 12:33:58