Mario Amaya
Mixing logos
15/05/2008 17:49:19
Non č vero, paga e pure bene. Basta saperci fare. O saperci fare con la
propria coscenza. Poi ok, c'č lo scotto, ma magari vale la candela?
Beh, [...]
15/05/2008 09:27:09
Ok, my daily job is swallowing me again, sorry for the lack of posts and reviews and whatever.. i guess this will take still a couple of days.. thanks for asking. [...]
06/05/2008 16:41:38
I am free
so i guess
I'm such so busy with surviving, - i still need a couple of days off. talk to You soon.
to work, send your kids to school, follow fashon, act [...]
30/04/2008 16:28:47
Al Jaffee
'Al Jaffee's fold-ins for Mad magazine, from the 1960s to the present, in interactive form.', bizzarre hidden waste of time, great works. [...]
22/04/2008 15:24:57
Storm troopin'
spin faster
18/04/2008 18:37:49
Peter Kernel
I Counted Them To Die Properly - video
I'm currently lost into massive listenings of Peter Kernel's recent debut release How To Perform a Funeral (On the Camper rec), a brilliant Music [...]
18/04/2008 16:39:21
See also:
11 Fingers rec
Sampler vol. 1(12tx CD, 55'54'' - 11 Fingers rec 'o8)
Oh no, one more CD compilation, how may i ever be able again to review something like that? just kidding, the whole tracklist here is [...]
17/04/2008 11:03:32
- Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum. Almeno ne riguadagnerą la satira politica..
['Q. perchč i comici sono tutti di sinistra? - [...]
15/04/2008 13:36:01
Rob Balder
14/04/2008 09:36:41
She's dead
10/04/2008 18:47:58