Körner Union
artworks, drawing and other thinking interesting stuff.
I well remember of this artwork made for Honey For Petzi [read past komareview], - so, i was randomly browsing the net, and found it, - made by [...]
10/08/2007 13:38:47
The Sad Little Stars
Don't fuck with love - video
M - Don't Fuck with Love is a funny as well creative short video & song by The Sad Little Stars,
a pop-electronic indie Group from Brooklyn: - [...]
10/08/2007 12:58:22
You're waiting for the bus
an instant before You'll be swirling through the air
- You're waiting for the bus,
You're alone, clouds run fast over Your head, together with ducks,
maybe it's a beautiful b/w day.. Then You do a [...]
10/08/2007 11:48:28
istruzioni per l'uso
Un sunto sull'obiettivo primo della giornata, - cioè la raccolta di
firme per una legge di iniziativa popolare per un Parlamento Pulito, -
sino ai [...]
10/08/2007 09:02:14
Emily Cash
Emily Cash's paintings and drawings are a total obsession for blood, cells, nerves, muscles, veins, - the human sections
inside human beings, - a [...]
08/08/2007 09:38:31
Barton Lee Hazlewood
Some velvet morning when I'm straight
'Some velvet morning when I'm straight', komakino sembra sempre più una colonna di necrologi questo mese.. cmq sia, che il caro Lee Hazlewood riposi [...]
07/08/2007 16:28:55
No Knock Room
showcase for some of best-kept-secret contemporary art,
No Knock Room
is an interesting underground showcase for some of best-kept-secret
contemporary art, - illustrators, photographers, videomakers, - [...]
07/08/2007 14:59:41
Robert ParkeHarrison
The Architect's Brother
06/08/2007 14:46:41
03/08/2007 16:52:33
03/08/2007 11:56:23
I will trade you records
if you hang out with me and you are female
I will trade you records if you hang out with me and you are female. - Simply genious (and no, it's not me). [...]
02/08/2007 18:07:58
Immagino ne avrete già sentito parlare, nonostante il silenzio dei maggiori media, - insomma, l'8 settembre si avvicina,
- servirà a qualcosa [...]
02/08/2007 17:26:51
Scott Sheidly
high quality pop art
Scott Sheidly's
pop art production is prolific as well of high quality, - darkish and
groovy, sometimes vintage-like sometimes simply surreal, - [...]
02/08/2007 16:58:00
si viaggia davvero a 360° on the road
Stavo cercando un indirizzo su paginegialle e invece mi sono imbattuto nel futuro (?).. o almeno, cazzarola, questo è quello che penso: oltre alla [...]
02/08/2007 10:33:16
It looks like in Poland They don't follow standard lines of movie
posters coming from United States and rest of occidental
cinematographic [...]
01/08/2007 15:48:02