Paul Chan
Oh why so serious?
via The Renaissance Socitety at the University of Chicago, from Paul Chan's My laws are my whores exhibit. [...]
06/04/2009 17:51:05
Quando la Natura si fa inequivocabilmente manifesta agli occhi di tutti come con la tragedia sismica di oggi, torna palese l'idea soffocata dalla [...]
06/04/2009 11:37:56
so how do i get her courage?
More: _Everyone’s got a soft spot for lego…__Vader later regretted not getting the wolfman mask___Han’s best friend - was he toilet trained?____I [...]
04/04/2009 08:44:39
Kenji Yanobe
Tanking MachineJust in case You thought a post-nuclear life would be worth living..
"The tank is filled with a physiological solution of sodium chloride that is heated to approximately body temperature where one floats in a state [...]
03/04/2009 12:33:58
Father Murphy
live, stasera
Stasera a Rrrrroma, suonano Father Murphy (Boring Machines rec), - con Økapi (Inflatabl rec) in apertura, - un concerto da non perdere, [...]
03/04/2009 10:09:05
"What is it??" - Queen Elizabeth II
Berlusconi blatantly calls Obama, at the end of a group photo session during g20. - Looks like Her Majesty says "What's that noise? Uh, Berlusconi, [...]
02/04/2009 09:50:03
Saul Steinberg
Girl in Bathtub, 1949
"Saul Steinberg was born in Romania in 1914. In 1933, after a year studying philosophy at the University of Bucharest, he enrolled in the Politecnico [...]
01/04/2009 16:11:30
John Coltrane
A Love Supreme - youtube1965, Antibes, France
A supreme wednesday morning. "The quartet only played A Love Supreme live once — in July 1965 at a concert in Antibes, France." [cfr wiki] [...]
01/04/2009 09:21:21
See also:
Facebook: would you really accept an add-req from your boss?
27/03/2009 12:20:03
See also:
Jennifer Gentle
madhouse + popporno @ prontialpeggio
Ok, komakino is overfilled with posts about Jennifer Gentle. That simply means we love Them! At prontialpeggio there's a bloguethequesque attitude of [...]
26/03/2009 16:31:08
See also: