Penso che per sentirVi davvero dei giovani romani completi (e trash), dovreste fare ancora una cosa essenziale: ovvero l'andare ad un concerto di [...]
19/11/2008 10:54:45
See also:
17/11/2008 16:22:04
See also:
17/11/2008 13:31:56
"Ciao amici romani!
How are you?
Here's a first song from our forthcoming album:
Hope you'll like it...
Yes, I like [...]
17/11/2008 13:10:15
Ricevo dai Drink To Me (chi?) un invito progresso per partecipare TUTTI ad una canzone di Gioacchino Turù: lo spot (in mp3, qui), da solo, vale un [...]
17/11/2008 13:02:10
Esra Røise, from Oslo, Norway, is able to immortalize youth through drawings. Truly amazing and full of life in each detail. [...]
17/11/2008 12:21:21
Questa è carina, ocarina. No, it is an iphone. iPhone Ocarina: 'Une nouvelle application musicale pour l'iPhone: le concept de l'Ocarina exploitant [...]
14/11/2008 15:28:30
Anders Petersen
where b/w photography finds its porno
I mean, i don't think my day is really a 24hours-long day anymore. I
can't do all things i'd love to, - especially if i have to work to make
ends [...]
12/11/2008 09:20:18
Neil Halstead's session is now online and you can download it for free. He performs songs from the new Brushfire Records' album "Oh Mighty [...]
10/11/2008 12:45:27
Lonely Drifter Karen
This world is crazyvideo
I love this band. The video perfectly matches with their Music. - Directed by Miguel Eek / Mosaic Producciones [...]
06/11/2008 11:02:21
Se fosse successo in italia, avremmo avuto un berlusconi tris.
Aggiungo (prima che venga censurato): 'Obama? E' contenta Al Qaeda', tanto per [...]
05/11/2008 15:11:20
robbba di seconda mano..
“Sabato 25 Ottobre, mattina seguente il concerto dei ME FOR RENT al Forte Prenestino con gli Stiff Little Fingers, in zona San Lorenzo a Roma, alle [...]
05/11/2008 10:55:25
How i learnt to stop worrying and love October..
..thanks to massive listenings of:
ψ lonely drifter karen - grass is singing
ψψ the charlottes - things come apart
ψψψ cranes - s/t [...]
05/11/2008 10:20:07