Spotlight Kid
Haunting meForthcoming album's single preview
Absolutely soothing and adrenalinic at the same time. A sound sip from Spotlight Kid's forthcoming new album, a celestial merge of boy/girl vocals and trascendental melodies. [...]
14/02/2011 10:50:56
Daehyun Kim
aka MoonassiDrawings
Intimate, psychic, trascendental black&white drawings. Pure delicacy of inner complication. [...]
11/02/2011 13:10:24
Silvio Berlusconi
Il CaimanoMarco Travaglio - Annozero 10 02 2011 VIA CON TE?
"Come è noto, Natalie è la nipote di Lula" - Travaglio, Anno Zero 10 feb 2011.Non ho mai visto il film di Moretti, Il Caimano, - nonostante mi [...]
11/02/2011 10:40:33
See also:
Joy Division
Playmobil stop motion filmTransmission
Voglio i Joy Division sul galeone dei pirati Playmobil, ora.Simply awesome. By SoftwareDR. [...]
10/02/2011 17:18:34
Pavel Fuksa
Maniacs and IdiotsFaster, slower
I think I remember I read something like this in Schopenhauer, - it's all about how everyone considers himself as the balance, the measure unit, the [...]
10/02/2011 13:29:00
Judy Kauffman
Repetitive prints
Actually the whole Kaufmann's portfolio is a fountain of inspiration. From the trees collection, on. [...]
08/02/2011 15:59:24
Tura Satana
r.i.p.(July 10, 1938 - February 4, 2011)
Walking home from school at the age of nine she was gang raped by five men. According to Satana, her attackers were never prosecuted and it was [...]
07/02/2011 15:26:24
Big Dick enters the new museum
Art timeby David Livingston
Essendo komakino una fanzine di classe, non potevo non postare un video di questo valente artista del c. Un'opera di un certo spessore sociale.Come [...]
05/02/2011 18:47:24
Mr Wiggles
Una Repubblica fondata sul lavoro
Immagino, anzi, mi piace pensare, che quando scrissero sulla *ostra Costituzione "L'Italia è una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro.", subito [...]
02/02/2011 17:48:16
See also:
Savage Chickens
These boots are made for..
02/02/2011 16:28:11
Groundhog Day
Todayit's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life..
"Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges [...]
02/02/2011 16:04:28
Esther Horchner
Naked Girls Tea Set
01/02/2011 18:42:23
Least - vidLive @ Dal Verme, Roma
This is a vid took last year, a footage whose I wrote a live report here.The sound quality does not do justice to Lento's impact, our current [...]
31/01/2011 15:20:01
Down in the owl caveMixtape su Vice
Ho sempre pensato che Vice fosse l'equivalente magazine di American Appareil, nel senso che mischiano con successo topa e quello che ve(n)dono. Per [...]
31/01/2011 14:30:27
See also: