Guess Poo?
Indovina Chi?by Elliot Quince
"The fun, faeces game for the family" - That's the shit, dude.Brilliant, twice brilliant remake by Elliot Quince. I would buy it! Totally.Further stinky detail here. More from Quince's mind, there. [...]
09/01/2012 15:24:44
Timm Schneider
Cookie Monster trashcanEyes project
More from herr Schneider eye balls project after the jump.His other brilliant stuff, here. [...]
05/01/2012 15:08:24
Polaroid Classic DIY Paper Camera Kits
05/01/2012 09:25:48
Being Elmo
Official movie trailerDocumentary film
My baby girl loves Elmo and his TV show, thank you Kevin."Few people know his creator, Kevin Clash, who dreamed of working with his idol, master [...]
04/01/2012 16:09:05
Ka Mate Ka Ora
Go folkAcoustic set
Carlo Venturini from Ka Mate Ka Ora told me this was just a fuckin' around or a little more... No, komafriends, They reinvented their slowcore [...]
04/01/2012 14:33:34
Guitar case bookshelf
04/01/2012 14:08:52
Stephen Wildish
1980s film alphabetand 1990s as well
I'm seriously thinking to print this poster, such it's nostalgic. Actually, I am.Weird Science's one made me remember how Kelly LeBrock / Lisa could [...]
03/01/2012 14:12:17
Post secret
The PostSecret iPhone App is Now ClosedEnd of secrets
That's so sad. The idea behind is still so brilliant. Once in a while I paid a visit there in last years. It made me [...]
03/01/2012 11:39:00
See also:
Errol F. Richardson
Junior Boys cover artworkand much more
I pretty like the design for Junior Boys It's All True LP, so I googled its author, Errol F. Richardson, - pretty nice stuff, porn for designers. [...]
02/01/2012 17:32:52
December 31st, 2011I'm in
In questo momento mia figlia di 7 mesi si sta ammazzando dalle risate per motivi squisitamente semplici, e da pochi giorni mi dice 'papà'. A fanculo la crisi, mangerò di più a pranzo. [...]
31/12/2011 16:17:36
About these days off
You might have noticed
We're all fine. I am. Just need some days koma-off, because these last months have been, personally, pretty intense and busy on this side. And I have [...]
21/12/2011 18:34:53
Mangiate merda
Lotta contro le moschevintage industrial Italian sign
This is a vintage industrial Italian sign saying: "Lotta contro le mosche"RIFIUTATE CIBI E BEVANDE che siano contaminati o non protetti dalle mosche [...]
16/12/2011 14:35:55
See also:
Tyree Callahan
Chromatic TypewriterModified 1937 Underwood Standard typewriter, oil on paper.
Better prepared and coloured than under the dust in the attic. With poetry. [...]
15/12/2011 17:02:17
Galleria Disastro
tipo consigli di nataleA Milano
Tagli di capelli ne ho cambiati un sacco. Nel duemila e cinque, una specie di cresta; poi frangia davanti, alti dietro, tutto con il gel (tipo [...]
11/12/2011 20:40:31
Movie-Spoof-PosterThe Pig Lebowski and others
And more goldies, after the jump, - kill'em all, Bobo. [...]
30/11/2011 23:28:17
See also: