Spotlight Kid
Plan Comes Apartvideo
Straight bpm, sick curves of abrasive guitar sound, - trascendental noise pop energy, - Plan Comes Apart is the first single taken [...]
09/06/2011 11:29:19
Read your bookcase
08/06/2011 16:17:39
A Classic Education
Hey there stranger, vinyl version(with exclusive Remixes)
A tasty communication from our friends of WWNBB rec:"We Were Never Being Bored Collective and Lefse Records team up to bring you the vinyl version [...]
08/06/2011 15:54:09
The Psychic Paramount
Live in Rome footageand a new record out
The Psychic Paramount live in Rome 2002. Video by Aran Tharp.Talking with a friend about amazing-kicking-ass-and-blasting Bands, my mind went [...]
08/06/2011 11:03:28
Referendum 12-13 giugno 2011
AvotarVotare Sì per dire No!
Io andrò a votare Sì per tutte le schede del Referendum del 12-13 giugno. La valanga - come mi auguro - di Sì a questo referendum mostrerà la [...]
08/06/2011 09:40:00
See also:
Iron Man
Bauhaus SpiritGreg Guilleim
Talente graphic designer. Check Léon's portfolio. [...]
30/05/2011 11:57:31
See also:
Blade Runner
Mary Sean Young's polaroidsI've seen polaroids you people wouldn't believe.
From Sean Young's official website. [...]
27/05/2011 15:32:30
Silvio Berlusconi
Sorry, mr. Obama"in Italy we almost have a dictatorship of left judges"
Hit rock bottom and keep on digging.."We have presented a justice reform that is fundamental to us, in Italy we have almost a dictatorship of leftist [...]
27/05/2011 10:29:49
See also:
Feel Afraid
Welcome to HellA job offer.
Sometimes, the dream work is around the (death) corner. [...]
27/05/2011 09:33:14
LC-Wideanalogue camera
Unless you're a cold stone, if you don't love Lomos, probably you don't love photography. Maybe you don't even love yourself, mom and daddy. Just my [...]
19/05/2011 14:01:11
Grindmaster Fleshofficial video
It was time, finally Zeus! pop out with an official whirling video.Here it is, massively tearing apart the left/right side of your brain. Better [...]
18/05/2011 15:23:17
Humans are among us
I believe in advertisingby Mike Koelsch
Tutti italiani. Tranne l'illustratore, chiaro. E qualcosa vorrà dire, no?[thanks Stè]Advertising Agency: Saatchi&Saatchi, Milan, [...]
09/05/2011 17:07:22
Borgata Boredom
Vice - live repe free mixtape
Mi vergogno un po', ma soprattutto me ne dispiaccio, tipo un pò come quando la Sora Lella dice di Verdone ”Ma che razza de nipote c'ho, che nun [...]
09/05/2011 10:47:47
Domani live a Romakomakino (s)consiglia
Domani sera al sinister noise di Roma suonano i Raein. Mica pigne. C'è da perderci la voce. Screamo. Emo (non quello leccato di mtv, ma lo so che lo [...]
06/05/2011 18:00:30