Blonde Redhead
23 video & remix contest
M -
I know it doesn't mean anything, btw, i'm pretty proud Blonde Redhead's twins are italian. I totally love Them. Album 23's opener [...]
10/05/2007 10:07:49
Todd Hido
homes at night / interiors and portraits
- Todd Hido's photography has got a melancholic/solitude feeling on me, - both homes at night / interiors and portraits
as well: His vivid colour [...]
09/05/2007 16:35:03
Jessica Delfino
pussy is magic
NSFW, yet absolutely worthy a view, especially if You are into appreciate trashy homemade pop videos, (particularly in this case) full of [...]
08/05/2007 16:49:21
photomerge deluxe
What's crazy and mind-blowing with Palla's
photography, from Osaka, Japan, it's the stunning as well perfect
photomerge/juxtapostion technic, sort [...]
03/05/2007 11:42:50
aprile '09
april was sunny as well rainy, btw i survived especially thanks to:
æ. cat claws - magic powers
æ.æ. question mark & the mysterians - 96 [...]
03/05/2007 10:48:09
a rich community of that kind of lovers
Everyone loves taking Polaroids: Polanoid is a rich community of that kind of lovers, categorizing subjects in pictures, movies, people, projects, [...]
30/04/2007 11:18:56
Trent Reznor
a client of Spandau Ballet's coiffure
Before becoming one of most acclaimed and sexy industrial Music icons (at least for mass audience), even Trent Reznor was a client of Spandau [...]
30/04/2007 10:35:35
Jeremy Forson
Tentacles and unusual facial transplant
Disturbing as well always brilliant, Jeremy Forson, oakland, california, is amazing in drawing and painting visionary illustrations of disintegration [...]
27/04/2007 17:46:58
Miss Aniela
And well, seen my today first post has been about a female photographer (i
love You Rebekka),
- i guess it's the case to make it [...]
20/04/2007 18:41:05
Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir
evocative stunning
Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir,
from Iceland, author of a large amount of evocative stunning snaphots,
suspended between imaginery (She's particularly [...]
20/04/2007 10:36:58
Star Wars
episode VI, made in ASCII
9 AM - That's even crazier, more than obsessive, and yes, (probably) worthy a waste of time: Star ASCIImation Wars. - Blocked with a last update in [...]
19/04/2007 12:49:01
Executive Koala
by Minoru Kawasaki
I firmly believe that no italian director might conceipt a thriller film about a man-sized, suit-and-tie wearing, KOALA. Yes, it's just as You [...]
19/04/2007 03:05:34
Georgia Russel
paper sculpturesblows my mind
- What's genius with Georgia Russel? She's got a magic power that makes Her able to transform books, music tabs, photographs into [...]
18/04/2007 18:08:48
Little People
i mean, very little
In a world where everybody feels as god on earth, You can cross over the internet into a minus, oops, great project as Little People: most of results [...]
18/04/2007 16:53:56